• * * *

    If you play a Game of Chance know before you begin

    If you are benevolent you will never win

  • * * *

    If you trap the moment before its ripe

    The tears of repentance youll certainly wipe

    But if once you let the ripe moment go

    You can never wipe off the tears of woe[3]

  • If your Nerve, deny you —

    Go above your Nerve —

    He can lean against the Grave,

    If he fear to swerve —

    That's a steady posture —

    Never any bend

    Held of those Brass arms —

    Best Giant made —

    If your Soul seesaw —

    Lift the Flesh door —

    The Poltroon...

  •         'Twas but a dream; a fond and foolish dream;

                The calenture of a delirious brain,

            Whose fever thirst creates the rushing stream.

                Now to the actual I awake again:

            The vision to my gaze one moment granted,

            Fades in its light away, and leaves me disenchanted....

  • Image of Light, Adieu —

    Thanks for the interview —

    So long — so short —

    Preceptor of the whole —

    Coeval Cardinal —

    Impart — Depart —

  •         Why mounts my blood to cheek and brow,

                Like an ascending flame,

            Whene'er from careless lips I hear

                The accents of thy name?


            Why, when my idle fancy seeks

                Some pictured form to trace,

            Beneath my pencil still will grow

  • Imitation of Pope A Compliment to the Ladies

    Wondrous the Gods more wondrous are the Men

    More Wondrous Wondrous still the Cock & Hen

    More wondrous still the Table Stool & Chair

    But Ah More wondrous still the Charming Fair

  •         As once I dreamed, methought I strayed

            Within a snow-clad mountain's shade;

            From whose far height the silence bore

            One charméd word, "Excelsior!"


            And, as upon my soul it fell,

            It bound me with a fearful spell;

            It shut the sweet vale...

  • Immortal is an ample word

    When what we need is by

    But when it leaves us for a time

    'Tis a necessity.

    Of Heaven above the firmest proof

    We fundamental know

    Except for its marauding Hand

    It had been Heaven below.

  • Immured in Heaven!

    What a Cell!

    Let every Bondage be,

    Thou sweetest of the Universe,

    Like that which ravished thee!