• If I could tell how glad I was

    I should not be so glad —

    But when I cannot make the Force,

    Nor mould it into Word,

    I know it is a sign

    That new Dilemna be

    From mathematics further off

    Than for Eternity.

    * * *

    If I eer Grow to Mans Estate

    O Give to me a Womans fate

    May I govern all both great & small

    Have the last word & take the wall

  • If I may have it, when it's dead,

    I'll be contented — so —

    If just as soon as Breath is out

    It shall belong to me —

    Until they lock it in the Grave,

    'Tis Bliss I cannot weigh —

    For tho' they lock Thee in the Grave,

    Myself — can own the key —

    Think of it Lover! I and...

  • If I should cease to bring a Rose

    Upon a festal day,

    'Twill be because beyond the Rose

    I have been called away —

    If I should cease to take the names

    My buds commemorate —

    'Twill be because Death's finger

    Claps my murmuring lip!

  • If I should die,

    And you should live —

    And time should gurgle on —

    And morn should beam —

    And noon should burn —

    As it has usual done —

    If Birds should build as early

    And Bees as bustling go —

    One might depart at option

    From enterprise below!

    'Tis sweet to...

  • If I should n't be alive

    When the robins come,

    Give the one in red cravat

    A memorial crumb.

    If I could n't thank you,

    Being just asleep,

    You will know I'm trying

    With my granite lip !

  • If I'm lost — now

    That I was found —

    Shall still my transport be —

    That once — on me — those Jasper Gates

    Blazed open — suddenly —

    That in my awkward — gazing — face —

    The Angels — softly peered —

    And touched me with their fleeces,

    Almost as if they cared —


  • If it had no pencil

    Would it try mine —

    Worn — now — and dull — sweet,

    Writing much to thee.

    If it had no word,

    Would it make the Daisy,

    Most as big as I was,

    When it plucked me?

  • * * *

    If it is True What the Prophets write

    That the heathen Gods are all stocks & stones

    Shall we for the sake of being Polite

    Feed them with the juice of our marrow bones
    5And if Bezaleel &...

  • *

    If Men will act like a maid smiling over a Churn

    They ought not when it comes to anothers turn

    To grow sower at what a friend may utter

    Knowing & feeling that we all have need of Butter
