• I've dropped my Brain — My Soul is numb —

    The Veins that used to run

    Stop palsied — 'tis Paralysis

    Done perfecter on stone

    Vitality is Carved and cool.

    My nerve in Marble lies —

    A Breathing Woman

    Yesterday — Endowed with Paradise.

    Not dumb — I had a sort that moved —...

  • I've got an arrow here.

    Loving the hand that sent it

    I the dart revere.

    Fell, they will say, in "skirmish"!

    Vanquished, my soul will know

    By but a simple arrow

    Sped by an archer's bow.

  • I've heard an Organ talk, sometimes

    In a Cathedral Aisle,

    And understood no word it said —

    Yet held my breath, the while —

    And risen up — and gone away,

    A more Berdardine Girl —

    Yet — know not what was done to me

    In that old Chapel Aisle.

  • I've known a Heaven, like a Tent —

    To wrap its shining Yards —

    Pluck up its stakes, and disappear —

    Without the sound of Boards

    Or Rip of Nail — Or Carpenter —

    But just the miles of Stare —

    That signalize a Show's Retreat —

    In North America —

    No Trace — no Figment of the...

  • I've none to tell me to but Thee

    So when Thou failest, nobody.

    It was a little tie —

    It just held Two, nor those it held

    Since Somewhere thy sweet Face has spilled

    Beyond my Boundary —

    If things were opposite — and Me

    And Me it were — that ebbed from Thee

    On some unanswering...

  • I've nothing else — to bring, You know —

    So I keep bringing These —

    Just as the Night keeps fetching Stars

    To our familiar eyes —

    Maybe, we shouldn't mind them —

    Unless they didn't come —

    Then — maybe, it would puzzle us

    To find our way Home —

  • I've seen a dying eye

    Run round and round a room

    In search of something, as it seemed,

    Then cloudier become ;

    And then, obscure with fog,

    And then be soldered down,

    Without disclosing what it be,

    'T were blessed...

  •         "How the shadow the Ideal throws before it

            darkens the actual." -- Zanoni


            "La vie est un sommeil, l'amour en est le rêve;."


            A sad, sweet dream; it fell upon my soul

                When song and thought first woke their echoes there,

            Swaying my...

  •         I've met thee, whom I dared not hope to meet,

                Save in the enchanted land of my day-dreams:

            Yes, in this common world, this waking state,

                Thy living presence on my vision beams --

            Life's dream embodied in reality,

            And in thine eyes I read indifference to me!...

  • Ideals are the Fairly Oil

    With which we help the Wheel

    But when the Vital Axle turns

    The Eye rejects the Oil.