• I think the longest Hour of all

    Is when the Cars have come —

    And we are waiting for the Coach —

    It seems as though the Time

    Indignant — that the Joy was come —

    Did block the Gilded Hands —

    And would not let the Seconds by —

    But slowest instant — ends —

    The Pendulum...

  • I think to Live — may be a Bliss

    To those who dare to try —

    Beyond my limit to conceive —

    My lip — to testify —

    I think the Heart I former wore

    Could widen — till to me

    The Other, like the little Bank

    Appear — unto the Sea —

    I think the Days — could every one

  • I thought that nature was enough

    Till Human nature came

    But that the other did absorb

    As Parallax a Flame —

    Of Human nature just aware

    There added the Divine

    Brief struggle for capacity

    The power to contain

    Is always as the contents

    But give a Giant room...

  • I thought the Train would never come —

    How slow the whistle sang —

    I don't believe a peevish Bird

    So whimpered for the Spring —

    I taught my Heart a hundred times

    Precisely what to say —

    Provoking Lover, when you came

    Its Treatise flew away

    To hide my strategy too late


  • I tie my Hat — I crease my Shawl —

    Life's little duties do — precisely —

    As the very least

    Were infinite — to me —

    I put new Blossoms in the Glass —

    And throw the old — away —

    I push a petal from my Gown

    That anchored there — I weigh

    The time 'twill be till six o'clock...

  • I took my Power in my Hand —

    And went against the World —

    'Twas not so much as David — had —

    But I — was twice as bold —

    I aimed by Pebble — but Myself

    Was all the one that fell —

    Was it Goliath — was too large —

    Or was myself — too small?

  • I took one Draught of Life —

    I'll tell you what I paid —

    Precisely an existence —

    The market price, they said.

    They weighed me, Dust by Dust —

    They balanced Film with Film,

    Then handed me my Being's worth —

    A single Dram of Heaven!

  • I tried to think a lonelier Thing

    Than any I had seen —

    Some Polar Expiation — An Omen in the Bone

    Of Death's tremendous nearness —

    I probed Retrieveless things

    My Duplicate — to borrow —

    A Haggard Comfort springs

    From the belief that Somewhere —

    Within the Clutch of...

  • I was a Phoebe — nothing more —

    A Phoebe — nothing less —

    The little note that others dropt

    I fitted into place —

    I dwelt too low that any seek —

    Too shy, that any blame —

    A Phoebe makes a little print

    Upon the Floors of Fame —

  • I was the slightest in the House —

    I took the smallest Room —

    At night, my little Lamp, and Book —

    And one Geranium —

    So stationed I could catch the Mint

    That never ceased to fall —

    And just my Basket —

    Let me think — I'm sure —

    That this was all —

    I never...