• I send you a decrepit flower

    That nature sent to me

    At parting — she was going south

    And I designed to stay —

    Her motive for the souvenir

    If sentiment for me

    Or circumstances prudential

    Withheld invincibly —

  • I shall keep singing!

    Birds will pass me

    On their way to Yellower Climes —

    Each — with a Robin's expectation —

    I — with my Redbreast —

    And my Rhymes —

    Late — when I take my place in summer —

    But — I shall bring a fuller tune —

    Vespers — are sweeter than Matins — Signor —...

  • I shall know why, when time is over,

    And I have ceased to wonder why ;

    Christ will explain each separate anguish

    In the fair schoolroom of the sky.

    He will tell me what Peter promised,

    And I, for wonder at his woe,


  • I shall not murmur if at last

    The ones I loved below

    Permission have to understand

    For what I shunned them so —

    Divulging it would rest my Heart

    But it would ravage theirs —

    Why, Katie, Treason has a Voice —

    But mine — dispels — in Tears.

  • I should have been too glad, I see —

    Too lifted — for the scant degree

    Of Life's penurious Round —

    My little Circuit would have shamed

    This new Circumference — have blamed —

    The homelier time behind.

    I should have been too saved — I see —

    Too rescued — Fear too dim to me


  • I should not dare to be so sad

    So many Years again —

    A Load is first impossible

    When we have put it down —

    The Superhuman then withdraws

    And we who never saw

    The Giant at the other side

    Begin to perish now.

  • I should not dare to leave my friend,

    Because — because if he should die

    While I was gone — and I — too late —

    Should reach the Heart that wanted me —

    If I should disappoint the eyes

    That hunted — hunted so — to see —

    And could not bear to shut until

    They "noticed" me — they noticed me...

  • I showed her Heights she never saw —

    "Would'st Climb," I said?

    She said — "Not so" —

    "With me —" I said — With me?

    I showed her Secrets — Morning's Nest —

    The Rope the Nights were put across —

    And now — "Would'st have me for a Guest?"

    She could not find her Yes —

    And then, I brake...

  • I sing to use the Waiting

    My Bonnet but to tie

    And shut the Door unto my House

    No more to do have I

    Till His best step approaching

    We journey to the Day

    And tell each other how We sung

    To Keep the Dark away.

  • I sometimes drop it, for a Quick —

    The Thought to be alive —

    Anonymous Delight to know —

    And Madder — to conceive —

    Consoles a Woe so monstrous

    That did it tear all Day,

    Without an instant's Respite —

    'Twould look too far — to Die —

    Delirium - diverts the Wretch