• I never told the buried gold

    Upon the hill — that lies —

    I saw the sun — his plunder done

    Crouch low to guard his prize.

    He stood as near

    As stood you here —

    A pace had been between —

    Did but a snake bisect the brake

    My life had forfeit been.

    That was a...

  • I noticed People disappeared

    When but a little child —

    Supposed they visited remote

    Or settled Regions wild —

    But did because they died

    A Fact withheld the little child —

  • I often passed the village

    When going home from school —

    And wondered what they did there —

    And why it was so still —

    I did not know the year then —

    In which my call would come —

    Earlier, by the Dial,

    Than the rest have gone.

    It's stiller than the sundown.


  • I pay — in Satin Cash —

    You did not state — your price —

    A Petal, for a Paragraph

    It near as I can guess —

  • I play at Riches — to appease

    The Clamoring for Gold —

    It kept me from a Thief, I think,

    For often, overbold

    With Want, and Opportunity —

    I could have done a Sin

    And been Myself that easy Thing

    An independent Man —

    But often as my lot displays

    Too hungry to...

  • I prayed, at first, a little Girl,

    Because they told me to —

    But stopped, when qualified to guess

    How prayer would feel — to me —

    If I believed God looked around,

    Each time my Childish eye

    Fixed full, and steady, on his own

    In Childish honesty —

    And told him what I'd...

  • I read my sentence — steadily —

    Reviewed it with my eyes,

    To see that I made no mistake

    In its extremest clause —

    The Date, and manner, of the shame —

    And then the Pious Form

    That "God have mercy" on the Soul

    The Jury voted Him —

    I made my soul familiar — with her extremity —...

  • I reason, earth is short,

    And anguish absolute,

    And many hurt ;

    But what of that ?

    I reason, we could die :

    The best vitality

    Cannot excel decay ;

    But what of that ?

    I reason that in...

  • I reckon — when I count at all —

    First — Poets — Then the Sun —

    Then Summer — Then the Heaven of God —

    And then — the List is done —

    But, looking back — the First so seems

    To Comprehend the Whole —

    The Others look a needless Show —

    So I write — Poets — All —


  • I robbed the Woods —

    The trusting Woods.

    The unsuspecting Trees

    Brought out their Burs and mosses

    My fantasy to please.

    I scanned their trinkets curious — I grasped — I bore away —

    What will the solemn Hemlock —

    What will the Oak tree say?