• I meant to find Her when I came —

    Death — had the same design —

    But the Success — was His — it seems —

    And the Surrender — Mine —

    I meant to tell Her how I longed

    For just this single time —

    But Death had told Her so the first —

    And she had past, with Him —

    To wander...

  • I meant to have but modest needs —

    Such as Content — and Heaven —

    Within my income — these could lie

    And Life and I — keep even —

    But since the last — included both —

    It would suffice my Prayer

    But just for One — to stipulate —

    And Grace would grant the Pair —

    And so...

  • I measure every Grief I meet

    With narrow, probing, Eyes —

    I wonder if It weighs like Mine —

    Or has an Easier size.

    I wonder if They bore it long —

    Or did it just begin —

    I could not tell the Date of Mine —

    It feels so old a pain —

    I wonder if it hurts to live —

  • I met a King this afternoon!

    He had not on a Crown indeed,

    A little Palmleaf Hat was all,

    And he was barefoot, I'm afraid!

    But sure I am he Ermine wore

    Beneath his faded Jacket's blue —

    And sure I am, the crest he bore

    Within that Jacket's pocket too!

    For 'twas too...

  • I never felt at Home — Below —-

    And in the Handsome Skies

    I shall not feel at Home — I know —

    I don't like Paradise —

    Because it's Sunday — all the time —

    And Recess — never comes —

    And Eden'll be so lonesome

    Bright Wednesday Afternoons —

    If God could make a visit —...

  • I never hear that one is dead

    Without the chance of Life

    Afresh annihilating me

    That mightiest Belief,

    Too mighty for the Daily mind

    That tilling its abyss,

    Had Madness, had it once or twice

    The yawning Consciousness,

    Beliefs are Bandaged, like the Tongue


  • I never hear the word "escape"

    Without a quicker blood,

    A sudden expectation

    A flying attitude!

    I never hear of prisons broad

    By soldiers battered down,

    But I tug childish at my bars

    Only to fail again!

  • I never lost as much but twice,

    And that was in the sod.

    Twice have I stood a beggar

    Before the door of God!

    Angels — twice descending

    Reimbursed my store —

    Burglar! Banker — Father!

    I am poor once more!

  • I never saw a Moor--

    I never saw the Sea--

    Yet know I how the Heather looks

    And what a Billow be.

    I never spoke with God,

    Nor visited in Heaven--

    Yet certain am I of the spot

    As if the Checks were given--