• * * *

    I askd my Dear Friend Orator Prigg[4]

    Whats the first part of Oratory he said a great wig

    And what is the second then dancing a jig

    And bowing profoundly he said a great wig

  • I asked no other thing.

    No other was denied.

    I offered Being for it ;

    The mighty merchant smiled.

    Brazil ?  He twirled a button,

    Without a glance my way :

    "But, madam, is there nothing else

    That we can show...

  • I begged a kiss of a little maid;

        Shyly, sweetly, she consented;

    Then of a sudden, all afraid,

        After she gave it, she repented;

    And now as penance for that one kiss

        She asks a poem — I'll give her this.

    But how can my song be my very best...

  • I bet with every Wind that blew

    Till Nature in chagrin

    Employed a Fact to visit me

    And scuttle my Balloon —

  • I breathed enough to take the Trick —

    And now, removed from Air —

    I simulate the Breath, so well —

    That One, to be quite sure —

    The Lungs are stirless — must descend

    Among the Cunning Cells —

    And touch the Pantomine — Himself,

    How numb, the Bellows feels!

  • And so I always bear the cup

    If, haply, mine may be the drop

    Some pilgrim thirst to slake,—

    If, haply, any say to me,

    "Unto the little, unto me,"

    When I at last awake.

  • I Came to buy a smile — today —

    But just a single smile —

    The smallest one upon your face

    Will suit me just as well —

    The one that no one else would miss

    It shone so very small —

    I'm pleading at the "counter" — sir —

    Could you afford to sell —

    I've Diamonds — on my fingers —...

  • I can wade Grief —

    Whole Pools of it —

    I'm used to that —

    But the least push of Joy

    Breaks up my feet —

    And I tip — drunken —

    Let no Pebble — smile —

    'Twas the New Liquor —

    That was all!

    Power is only Pain —

    Stranded, thro' Discipline,


  • I can't tell you — but you feel it —

    Nor can you tell me —

    Saints, with ravished slate and pencil

    Solve our April Day!

    Sweeter than a vanished frolic

    From a vanished green!

    Swifter than the hoofs of Horsemen

    Round a Ledge of dream!

    Modest, let us walk among it

  • I cannot be ashamed

    Because I cannot see

    The love you offer —


    Reverses Modesty

    And I cannot be proud

    Because a Height so high

    Involves Alpine


    And Services of Snow.