• A Huy and Cry after Sir John Barlycorn,
    A base Rebel denounc'd at the Horn,
    Fled from the Country where he was bred and Born,

    We all the Drunkards of the Nation,
    5 Issue Our Royal Proclamation


  • Eternal power of earth and air,

    Unseen, yet seen in all around,

    Remote, but dwelling everywhere,

    Though silent, heard in every sound.

    If e'er thine ear in mercy bent

    When wretched mortals cried to thee,

    And if indeed thy Son was sent

    To save lost sinners such as me.


  • From heaven or hell, O Beauty, come you hence?

    Out from your gaze, infernal and divine,

    Pours blended evil and benificence,

    And therefore men have likened you to wine.

    Sunset and dawn within your eyes are fair;

    Stormlike you scatter perfume into space;

    Your kiss, a philtre from an amphora rare,...

  • Omnicient and eternal God,
    Who hear'st the faintest pray'r

    Distinct as Hallelujahs loud,
    Which round thee hymned are.

    Here, far from all the...

  • A man once read with mind surprised

    Of the way that people were "hypnotised";

    By waving hands you produced, forsooth,

    A kind of trance where men told the truth!

    His mind was filled with wond'ring doubt;

    He grabbed his hat and he started out,

    He walked the street and he made a "set"

    At the...

  • I am afraid to own a Body —

    I am afraid to own a Soul —

    Profound — precarious Property —

    Possession, not optional —

    Double Estate — entailed at pleasure

    Upon an unsuspecting Heir —

    Duke in a moment of Deathlessness

    And God, for a Frontier.

  • I am alive — I guess —

    The Branches on my Hand

    Are full of Morning Glory —

    And at my finger's end —

    The Carmine — tingles warm —

    And if I hold a Glass

    Across my Mouth — it blurs it —

    Physician's — proof of Breath —

    I am alive — because

    I am not in a Room —...

  • I am ashamed — I hide —

    What right have I — to be a Bride —

    So late a Dowerless Girl —

    Nowhere to hide my dazzled Face —

    No one to teach me that new Grace —

    Nor introduce — my Soul —

    Me to adorn — How — tell —

    Trinket — to make Me beautiful —

    Fabrics of Cashmere —

  • * * *

    I am no Homers Hero you all know

    I profess not Generosity to a Foe

    My Generosity is to my Friends

    That for their Friendship I may make amends
    5 The Generous to Enemies promotes their Ends