• How fits his Umber Coat

    The Tailor of the Nut?

    Combined without a seam

    Like Raiment of a Dream —

    Who spun the Auburn Cloth?

    Computed how the girth?

    The Chestnut aged grows

    In those primeval Clothes —

    We know that we are wise —

    Accomplished in Surprise —...

  • My little devices to live till Monday would woo your sad attention - Full of work and plots and little happinesses the Thought of you protracts them all and makes them sham and cold -

          How fleet - how indiscreet an one -

          how always wrong is Love -

          The joyful little Deity

          We are not scourged to serve -...

  • How fortunate the Grave —

    All Prizes to obtain —

    Successful certain, if at last,

    First Suitor not in vain.

  • There's never a stone at the sleeper's head,

    There's never a fence beside,

    And the wandering stock on the grave may tread

    Unnoticed and undenied;

    But the smallest child on the Watershed

    Can tell you how Gilbert died.

    For he rode at dusk with his comrade Dunn

    To the hut at the Stockman's...

  • How good his Lava Bed,

    To this laborious Boy —

    Who must be up to call the World

    And dress the sleepy Day —

  • How happy I was if I could forget

    To remember how sad I am

    Would be an easy adversity

    But the recollecting of Bloom

    Keeps making November difficult

    Till I who was almost bold

    Lose my way like a little Child

    And perish of the cold.

  • How happy is the little Stone

    That rambles in the Road alone,

    And doesn't care about Careers

    And Exigencies never fears —

    Whose Coat of elemental Brown

    A passing Universe put on,

    And independent as the Sun

    Associates or glows alone,

    Fulfilling absolute Decree

    In casual...

  • How Human Nature dotes

    On what it can't detect.

    The moment that a Plot is plumbed

    Prospective is extinct —

    Prospective is the friend

    Reserved for us to know

    When Constancy is clarified

    Of Curiosity —

    Of subjects that resist

    Redoubtablest is this

  • How know it from a Summer's Day?

    Its Fervors are as firm —

    And nothing in the Countenance

    But scintillates the same —

    Yet Birds examine it and flee —

    And Vans without a name

    Inspect the Admonition

    And sunder as they came —

  • How lonesome the Wind must feel Nights —

    When people have put out the Lights

    And everything that has an Inn

    Closes the shutter and goes in —

    How pompous the Wind must feel Noons

    Stepping to incorporeal Tunes

    Correcting errors of the sky

    And clarifying scenery
