• Have any like Myself

    Investigating March,

    New Houses on the Hill descried —

    And possibly a Church —

    That were not, We are sure —

    As lately as the Snow —

    And are Today — if We exist —

    Though how may this be so?

    Have any like Myself

    Conjectured Who may be...

  • Have you got a brook in your little heart,

    Where bashful flowers blow,

    And blushing birds go down to drink,

    And shadows tremble so ?

    And nobody knows, so still it flows,

    That any brook is there ;

    And yet your little...

  • [Blakes apology for his Catalogue]

    Having given great offence by writing in Prose

    Ill write in Verse as Soft as Bartolloze

    Some blush at what others can see no crime in

    But nobody sees any harm in Rhyming

  • "You come and see me, boys," he said;

    "You'll find a welcome and a bed

    And whisky any time you call;

    Although our township hasn't got

    The name of quite a lively spot --

    You see, I live in Booligal.

    "And people have an awful down

    Upon the district and the town --

    Which worse...

  • He ate and drank the precious Words —

    His Spirit grew robust —

    He knew no more that he was poor,

    Nor that his frame was Dust —

    He danced along the dingy Days

    And this Bequest of Wings

    Was but a Book — What Liberty

    A loosened spirit brings —

  • He forgot — and I — remembered —

    'Twas an everyday affair —

    Long ago as Christ and Peter —

    "Warmed them" at the "Temple fire."

    "Thou wert with him" — quoth "the Damsel"?

    "No" — said Peter, 'twasn't me —

    Jesus merely "looked" at Peter —

    Could I do aught else — to Thee?

  • He fought like those Who've nought to lose —

    Bestowed Himself to Balls

    As One who for a further Life

    Had not a further Use —

    Invited Death — with bold attempt —

    But Death was Coy of Him

    As Other Men, were Coy of Death —

    To Him — to live — was Doom —

    His Comrades,...

  • He found my Being — set it up —

    Adjusted it to place —

    Then carved his name — upon it —

    And bade it to the East

    Be faithful — in his absence —

    And he would come again —

    With Equipage of Amber —

    That time — to take it Home —

  • He fumbles at your Soul

    As Players at the Keys

    Before they drop full Music on —

    He stuns you by degrees —

    Prepares your brittle Nature

    For the Ethereal Blow

    By fainter Hammers — further heard —

    Then nearer — Then so slow

    Your Breath has time to straighten —

    Your Brain...

  • He gave away his Life —

    To Us — Gigantic Sum —

    A trifle — in his own esteem —

    But magnified — by Fame —

    Until it burst the Hearts

    That fancied they could hold —

    When swift it slipped its limit —

    And on the Heavens — unrolled —

    'Tis Ours — to wince — and weep —