• MacFierce'un came to Whiskeyhurst

    When summer days were hot,

    And bided there wi' Jock MacThirst,

    A brawny brother Scot.

    Good faith! They made the whisky fly

    Like Highland chieftains true,

    And when they'd drunk the beaker dry

    They sang, "We are nae fou!

    There's nae folk like oor...

  • * * *

    Great Men & Fools do often me Inspire

    But the Greater Fool the Greater Liar

  • Great Streets of silence led away

    To Neighborhoods of Pause —

    Here was no Notice — no Dissent

    No Universe — no laws —

    By Clocks, 'twas Morning, and for Night

    The Bells at Distance called —

    But Epoch had no basis here

    For Period exhaled.

    * * *

    Great things are done when Men & Mountains meet

    This is not Done by jostling in the Street

  • Grief is a Mouse —

    And chooses Wainscot in the Breast

    For His Shy House —

    And baffles quest —

    Grief is a Thief — quick startled —

    Pricks His Ear — report to hear

    Of that Vast Dark —

    That swept His Being — back —

    Grief is a Juggler — boldest at the Play —


  • * * *

    Grown old in Love from Seven till Seven times Seven

    I oft have wishd for Hell for Ease from Heaven

  • Growth of Man — like Growth of Nature —

    Gravitates within —

    Atmosphere, and Sun endorse it —

    Bit it stir — alone —

    Each — its difficult Ideal

    Must achieve — Itself —

    Through the solitary prowess

    Of a Silent Life —

    Effort — is the sole condition —


  • Guest am I to have

    Light my northern room

    Why to cordiality so averse to come

    Other friends adjourn

    Other bonds decay

    Why avoid so narrowly

    My fidelity —

  • Had I known that the first was the last

    I should have kept it longer.

    Had I known that the last was the first

    I should have drunk it stronger.

    Cup, it was your fault,

    Lip was not the liar.

    No, lip, it was yours,

    Bliss was most to blame.

  • Had I not seen the Sun

    I could have borne the shade

    But Light a newer Wilderness

    My Wilderness has made —