• "Go travelling with us!"

    Her travels daily be

    By routes of ecstasy

    To Evening's Sea —

  • When I was dead, my spirit turned

       To seek the much-frequented house:

    I passed the door, and saw my friends

       Feasting beneath the green orange boughs;

    From hand to hand they pushed the wine,

       They sucked the pulp of plum and peach;

    They sang, they jested, and they laughed,

       For each...

  • God gave a Loaf to every Bird —

    But just a Crumb — to Me —

    I dare not eat it — tho' I starve —

    My poignant luxury —

    To own it — touch it —

    Prove the feat — that made the Pellet mine —

    Too happy — for my Sparrow's chance —

    For Ampler Coveting —

    It might be Famine — all...

  • God is a distant — stately Lover —

    Woos, as He states us — by His Son —

    Verily, a Vicarious Courtship —

    "Miles", and "Priscilla", were such an One —

    But, lest the Soul — like fair "Priscilla"

    Choose the Envoy — and spurn the Groom —

    Vouches, with hyperbolic archness —

    "Miles", and "John...

  • God is indeed a jealous God —

    He cannot bear to see

    That we had rather not with Him

    But with each other play.

  • God made a little Gentian —

    It tried — to be a Rose —

    And failed — and all the Summer laughed —

    But just before the Snows

    There rose a Purple Creature —

    That ravished all the Hill —

    And Summer hid her Forehead —

    And Mockery — was still —

    The Frosts were her condition...

  • God made no act without a cause,

    Nor heart without an aim,

    Our inference is premature,

    Our premises to blame.

  • God permits industrious Angels —

    Afternoons — to play —

    I met one — forgot my Schoolmates —

    All — for Him — straightway —

    God calls home — the Angels — promptly —

    At the Setting Sun —

    I missed mine — how dreary — Marbles —

    After playing Crown!

  • Going to Heaven!

    I don't know when —

    Pray do not ask me how!

    Indeed I'm too astonished

    To think of answering you!

    Going to Heaven!

    How dim it sounds!

    And yet it will be done

    As sure as flocks go home at night

    Unto the Shepherd's arm!

    Perhaps you're...

  • Going to Him! Happy letter!

    Tell Him —

    Tell Him the page I didn't write —

    Tell Him — I only said the Syntax —

    And left the Verb and the pronoun out —

    Tell Him just how the fingers hurried —

    Then — how they waded — slow — slow —

    And then you wished you had eyes in your pages —
