• Glee ! the great storm is over !

    Four have recovered the land ;

    Forty gone down together

    Into the boiling sand.

    Ring, for the scant salvation !

    Toll, for the bonnie souls, —

    Neighbor and friend and bridegroom,

  • "Glide soft", ye Silver Floods"

    Glide soft, ye silver floods,

    And every spring:

    Within the shady woods

    Let no bird sing!

    Nor from the grove a turtle-dove

    Be seen to couple with her love;

    But silence on each dale and mountain dwell...

  • Gloomy Winter's noo awa'; soft the westlin breezes blaw.

    Among the birks o' Stanley shaw the mavis sings fu' cheerie O.

    Sweet the crawflowers early bell decks Glenifer's dewy dell.

    Blooming like your bonny sel', my ain my airtless dearie O.

    Come my lassie let us stray, o'er Glenkilloch's sunny brae,


  • Glory is that bright tragic thing

    That for an instant

    Means Dominion —

    Warms some poor name

    That never felt the Sun,

    Gently replacing

    In oblivion —

  • Glowing is her Bonnet,

    Glowing is her Cheek,

    Glowing is her Kirtle,

    Yet she cannot speak.

    Better as the Daisy

    From the Summer hill

    Vanish unrecorded

    Save by tearful rill —

    Save by loving sunrise

    Looking for her face.

    Save by feet unnumbered...

  • Go not too near a House of Rose —

    The depredation of a Breeze —

    Or inundation of a Dew

    Alarms its walls away —

    Nor try to tie the Butterfly,

    Nor climb the Bars of Ecstasy,

    In insecurity to lie

    Is Joy's insuring quality.

  • Go slow, my soul, to feed thyself

    Upon his rare approach —

    Go rapid, lest Competing Death

    Prevail upon the Coach —

    Go timid, should his final eye

    Determine thee amiss —

    Go boldly — for thou paid'st his price

    Redemption — for a Kiss —

  • "Go tell it" — What a Message —

    To whom — is specified —

    Not murmur — not endearment —

    But simply — we — obeyed —

    Obeyed — a Lure — a Longing?

    Oh Nature — none of this —

    To Law — said sweet Thermopylae

    I give my dying Kiss —

  • Go thy great way!

    The Stars thou meetst

    Are even as Thyself —

    For what are Stars but Asterisks

    To point a human Life?

  •    Go to thy rest, fair child!

       Go to thy dreamless bed,

    While yet so gentle, undefiled,

       With blessings on thy head.

       Fresh roses in thy hand,

       Buds on thy pillow laid,

    Haste from this dark and fearful land,

       Where flowers so quickly fade.

       Ere sin...