• "An ancient pond!

    With a sound from the water

    Of the frog as it plunges in."

  • The old pond, aye!

    And the sound of a frog

    leaping into the water.

  • Old pond - frogs jumped in - sound of water

  • An ancient pond.

    O! a frog jumps in –

    a splash...

  • At the ancient pond

    look: a little frog jumps in –

    just a gentle splash…

  • From all the Jails the Boys and Girls

    Ecstatically leap —

    Beloved only Afternoon

    That Prison doesn't keep

    They storm the Earth and stun the Air,

    A Mob of solid Bliss —

    Alas — that Frowns should lie in wait

    For such a Foe as this —

  • From beneath a mysterious and ice-cold half-mask

    Your voice sounded to me as flattering as a dream,

    Your charming eyes were shining at me,

    And your cunning mouth was smiling.

    Through the wispy haze I noticed unconsciously

    The paleness of your virgin cheeks and neck,

    Lucky creature! I saw a...

  • From Blank to Blank —

    A Threadless Way

    I pushed Mechanic feet —

    To stop — or perish — or advance —

    Alike indifferent —

    If end I gained

    It ends beyond

    Indefinite disclosed —

    I shut my eyes — and groped as well

    'Twas lighter — to be Blind —

  • From Cocoon forth a Butterfly

    As Lady from her Door

    Emerged — a Summer Afternoon —

    Repairing Everywhere —

    Without Design — that I could trace

    Except to stray abroad

    On Miscellaneous Enterprise

    The Clovers — understood —

    Her pretty Parasol be seen
