• Forever — is composed of Nows —

    'Tis not a different time —

    Except for Infiniteness —

    And Latitude of Home —

    From this — experienced Here —

    Remove the Dates — to These —

    Let Months dissolve in further Months —

    And Years — exhale in Years —

    Without Debate — or Pause —...

  • Forget! The lady with the Amulet

    Forget she wore it at her Heart

    Because she breathed against

    Was Treason twixt?

    Deny! Did Rose her Bee —

    For Privilege of Play

    Or Wile of Butterfly

    Or Opportunity — Her Lord away?

    The lady with the Amulet — will face —


  • Long since, I lived beneath vast porticoes,

    By many ocean-sunsets tinged and fired,

    Where mighty pillars, in majestic rows,

    Seemed like basaltic caves when day expired.


    The rolling surge that mirrored all the skies

    Mingled its music, turbulent and rich,...

  • Fortitude incarnate

    Here is laid away

    In the swift Partitions

    Of the awful Sea —

    Babble of the Happy

    Cavil of the Bold

    Hoary the Fruition

    But the Sea is old

    Edifice of Ocean

    Thy tumultuous Rooms

    Suit me at a venture

    Better than the...

  • Four Trees — upon a solitary Acre —

    Without Design

    Or Order, or Apparent Action —

    Maintain —

    The Sun — upon a Morning meets them —

    The Wind —

    No nearer Neighbor — have they —

    But God —

    The Acre gives them — Place —

    They — Him — Attention of Passer by —...

  • Maiden, thou wert thoughtless once

    Of beauty or of grace,

    Simple and homely in attire

    Careless of form and face.

    Then whence this change, and why so oft

    Dost smooth thy hazel hair?

    And wherefore deck thy youthful form

    With such unwearied care?

    'Tell us ­- and cease to tire our...

  •                     "Chez cette race nouvelle

                             Où j'aurai quelque crédit,

                         Vous ne passerez pas pour belle

                             Qu'autant que je l'aurai dit.

                         Pensez-y, belle Marquise;

                             Quoiqu'un grison fasse effroi,...

  • Frequently the woods are pink —

    Frequently, are brown.

    Frequently the hills undress

    Behind my native town —

    Oft a head is crested

    I was wont to see —

    And as oft a cranny

    Where it used to be —

    And the Earth — they tell me

    On it's axis turned!


  • Frigid and sweet Her parting Face —

    Frigid and fleet my Feet —

    Alien and vain whatever Clime

    Acrid whatever Fate.

    Given to me without the Suit

    Riches and Name and Realm —

    Who was She to withhold from me

    Penury and Home?