• Follow wise Orion

    Till you waste your Eye —

    Dazzlingly decamping

    He is just as high —

  • For Death — or rather

    For the Things 'twould buy —

    This — put away

    Life's Opportunity —

    The Things that Death will buy

    Are Room —

    Escape from Circumstances —

    And a Name —

    With Gifts of Life

    How Death's Gifts may compare —

    We know not —

  • For each ecstatic instant

    We must an anguish pay

    In keen and quivering ratio

    To the ecstasy.

    For each beloved hour

    Sharp pittances of years —

    Bitter contested farthings —

    And Coffers heaped with Tears!

  • For every Bird a Nest —

    Wherefore in timid quest

    Some little Wren goes seeking round —

    Wherefore when boughs are free —

    Households in every tree —

    Pilgrim be found?

    Perhaps a home too high —

    Ah Aristocracy!

    The little Wren desires —

    Perhaps of twig so...

  • For largest Woman's Hearth I knew —

    'Tis little I can do —

    And yet the largest Woman's Heart

    Could hold an Arrow — too —

    And so, instructed by my own,

    I tenderer, turn Me to.

  • For this — accepted Breath —

    Through it — compete with Death —

    The fellow cannot touch this Crown —

    By it — my title take —

    Ah, what a royal sake

    To my necessity — stooped down!

    No Wilderness — can be

    Where this attendeth me —

    No Desert Noon —

    No fear of frost to...

  • Forbidden Fruit a flavor has

    That lawful Orchards mocks —

    How luscious lies within the Pod

    The Pea that Duty locks —

  • Forever at His side to walk —

    The smaller of the two!

    Brain of His Brain —

    Blood of His Blood —

    Two lives — One Being — now —

    Forever of His fate to taste —

    If grief — the largest part —

    If joy — to put my piece away

    For that beloved Heart —

    All life — to...

  • Forever honored by the Tree

    Whose Apple Winterworn

    Enticed to Breakfast from the Sky

    Two Gabriels Yestermorn.

    They registered in Nature's Book

    As Robins — Sire and Son —

    But Angels have that modest way

    To screen them from Renown.