• Farewell, farewell, unwashed Russia,

    The land of slaves, the land of lords,

    And you, blue uniforms of gendarmes,

    And you, obedient to them folks.

    Perhaps beyond Caucasian mountains

    I’ll hide myself from your pashas,

    From their eyes that are all-seeing,

    From their ever hearing ears...

  • Fate slew Him, but He did not drop —

    She felled — He did not fall —

    Impaled Him on Her fiercest stakes —

    He neutralized them all —

    She stung Him — sapped His firm Advance —

    But when Her Worst was done

    And He — unmoved regarded Her —

    Acknowledged Him a Man.

  • As when the night its highest noon attains,

    And not a cloud o'ercasts the blue serene,

    The stars diffus'd through all th' etherial plains,

    And all array'd in living light are seen;

    So in this night of time what patterns rise,

    Rich in celestial lustres, to adorn,

    And bless our world, till from these...

  • WHilst you, Athenia, with assiduous toil

    Reap the rich fruits of learning's fertile soil;

    Now search whate'er historick truth has shewn,

    And make the...

  • SHALL lordly man, the theme of every lay,

    Usurp the Muse's tributary bay?

    In kingly state on Pindus' summit sit,

  • Few, yet enough,

    Enough is One —

    To that ethereal throng

    Have not each one of us the right

    To stealthily belong?

  • Finding is the first Act

    The second, loss,

    Third, Expedition for

    The "Golden Fleece"

    Fourth, no Discovery —

    Fifth, no Crew —

    Finally, no Golden Fleece —

    Jason — sham — too.

  • Finite — to fail, but infinite to Venture —

    For the one ship that struts the shore

    Many's the gallant — overwhelmed Creature

    Nodding in Navies nevermore —

  • Fitter to see Him, I may be

    For the long Hindrance — Grace — to Me —

    With Summers, and with Winters, grow,

    Some passing Year — A trait bestow

    To make Me fairest of the Earth —

    The Waiting — then — will seem so worth

    I shall impute with half a pain

    The blame that I was chosen — then —...

  • Mark but this flea, and mark in this,

    How little that which thou deniest me is;

    It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee,

    And in this flea our two bloods mingled be.

    Thou know'st that this cannot be said

    A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead;
    Yet this...