•    PETER (says Pope) won't poison with his meat;

    'Tis true, for Peter gives you nought to eat.

  •    WHEN JOVE with fair Alcmena lay,

    He kept the sun a-bed all day;

    That he might taste her wond'rous charms,

    Two nights together in her arms.

    Were I of Celia's charms possess'd,

    Melting on that delicious breast,

    And could, like JOVE, thy beams restrain,

    Sun, thou should'...

  •    THAT Kate weds a fool what wonder can be,

    Her husband has married a fool great as she.

  • I.

    Beware of building! I intended

    Rough logs and thatch, and thus it ended.


    Instead of a pound or two, spending a mint

    Must serve me at least, I believe, with a hint,

    That building and building a man may be driven

    At last out of doors, and have no house to live in....

  • Shut, shut the door, good John! fatigu'd, I said,

    Tie up the knocker, say I'm sick, I'm dead.

    The dog-star rages! nay 'tis past a doubt,

    All Bedlam, or Parnassus, is let out:

    Fire in each eye, and papers in each hand,

    They rave, recite, and madden round the land.

    What walls can guard me, or what...

  • 'Tis not that I design to rob

    Thee of thy birthright, gentle Bob,

    For thou art born sole heir, and single,

    Of dear Mat Prior's easy jingle;

    Nor that I mean, while thus I knit

    My thread-bare sentiments together,

    To show my genius...

    An Epitaph

    Come knock your heads against this stone

    For sorrow that poor John Thompsons gone

  •    WHAT tho' alive neglected and undone,

    O let thy spirit triumph in this stone!

    No greater honour could men pay thy parts,

    For when they give a stone, they give their hearts.