•         A beauty like young womanhood's

                Upon the green earth lies,

            And June's sweet smile hath waked again

                All summer's harmonies.


            The insects hum their dreamy song,

                The trees their honors wear,

            And languid with its perfume spoils...

  • Dying! Dying in the night!

    Won't somebody bring the light

    So I can see which way to go

    Into the everlasting snow?

    And "Jesus"! Where is Jesus gone?

    They said that Jesus — always came —

    Perhaps he doesn't know the House —

    This way, Jesus, Let him pass!

    Somebody run to...

  • Dying! To be afraid of thee

    One must to thine Artillery

    Have left exposed a Friend —

    Than thine old Arrow is a Shot

    Delivered straighter to the Heart

    The leaving Love behind.

    Not for itself, the Dust is shy,

    But, enemy, Beloved be

    Thy Batteries divorce.


  • Each Life Converges to some Centre —

    Expressed — or still —

    Exists in every Human Nature

    A Goal —

    Embodied scarcely to itself — it may be —

    Too fair

    For Credibility's presumption

    To mar —

    Adored with caution — as a Brittle Heaven —

    To reach


  • * * *

    [4] [This world del.] Each Man is in [the del.] his Spectre’s power

    [3] Until the arrival of that hour,

    [1] [Until del.] When [the del.] Humanity awake,

    [2] And cast [the del.] his own Spectre in the Lake...

  • Each Scar I'll keep for Him

    Instead I'll say of Gem

    In His long Absence worn

    A Costlier one

    But every Tear I bore

    Were He to count them o'er

    His own would fall so more

    I'll mis sum them.

  • Each Second is the last

    Perhaps, recalls the Man

    Just measuring unconsciousness

    The Sea and Spar between.

    To fail within a Chance —

    How terribler a thing

    Than perish from the Chance's list

    Before the Perishing!

  • Each that we lose takes part of us;

    A crescent still abides,

    Which like the moon, some turbid night,

    Is summoned by the tides.

  •             Oh Sun! oh glorious Sun!

            The spell of winter binds me strong and dread

            In the dark sleep, the coldness of the dead;

                And song and beauty from thy haunts are gone.


                The skies above me lower,

            The frozen tempests beat upon my breast,