•      I

    Heark how the Mower Damon Sung,

    With love of Juliana stung!

    While ev'ry thing did seem to paint

    The Scene more fit for his complaint.

    Like her fair Eyes the day was fair;

    But scorching like his am'rous Care.

    Sharp like his Sythe his Sorrow was,

    And wither'd like his Hopes...

  • WHEN I am dead, and doctors know not why,
    And my friends' curiosity

    Will have me cut up to survey each part,

    When they shall find your picture in my heart,
    You think a sudden damp of love

  • Dare you see a Soul at the White Heat? —

    Then crouch within the door —

    Red — is the Fire's common tint —

    But when the vivid Ore

    Has vanquished Flame's conditions,

    It quivers from the Forge

    Without a color, but the light

    Of unanointed Blaze.

    Least Village has its...

  • DARK Angel, with thine aching lust

    To rid the world of penitence:

    Malicious Angel, who still dost

    My soul such subtile violence!

    Because of thee, no thought, no thing,

    Abides for me undesecrate:

    Dark Angel, ever on the wing,

    Who never reachest me too late!

    When music...

  • A fool I was to sleep at noon,

      And wake when night is chilly

    Beneath the comfortless cold moon;

    A fool to pluck my rose too soon,

      A fool to snap my lily.

    My garden-plot I have not kept;

      Faded and all-forsaken,

    I weep as I have never wept:

    Oh it was summer when I slept...

  • When night is almost done,

    And sunrise grows so near

    That we can touch the spaces,

    It 's time to smooth the hair

    And get the...

  • Talk not of sad November, when a day

    Of warm, glad sunshine fills the sky of noon,

    And a wind, borrowed from some morn of June,

    Stirs the brown grasses and the leafless spray.

    On the unfrosted pool the pillared pines

    Lay their long shafts of shadow: the small rill,

    Singing a pleasant song of summer...

  •         Italia! in thy bleeding heart,

                I thought, e'en hope was dead;

            That from thy scarred and prostrate form,

                The spark of life had fled.


            I thought, as Memory's sunset glow

                Its radiance o'er thee cast,

            That all thy glory and thy...

  • The daylight is dying

    Away in the west,

    The wild birds are flying

    In silence to rest;

    In leafage and frondage

    Where shadows are deep,

    They pass to its bondage --

    The kingdom of sleep.

    And watched in their sleeping

    By stars in the height,

    They rest in...

  • I.

    Your ghost will walk, you lover of trees,

            (If our loves remain)

            In an English lane,

    By a cornfield-side a-flutter with poppies.

    Hark, those two in the hazel coppice—

    A boy and a girl, if the good fates please,

            Making love, say,—

            The happier...