•   When the goodman's shuttle merrily

        Goes flashing through the loom,

      And the good wife reads her Plato

        In her own sequestered room;

      With weeping and with laughter

        Still shall the tale be told,

      How pretty Pollia won the Bridge

        In the brave days of old.

  • Arouse, ye men of brain and brawn,

        Unnumbered hosts that toil;

    Assert your manhood, break your chains:

        Reclaim your own fair soil!

    Too long beneath oppression's lash

        Ye've slaved for robber knaves;

    And gave your all to Church and State,

        Contented to be slaves.


  • Be kind when you can, though the kindness be little,

    'Tis small letters make up philosophers' scrolls;

    The crystal of Happiness, vivid and brittle,

    Can seldom be cut into very large bowls.

    'Tis atoms that dwell in the measureless mountain,

    'Tis moments that sum up the century's flight;

    'Tis but...

  • Be Mine the Doom —

    Sufficient Fame —

    To perish in Her Hand!

  • They killed a Child to please the Gods

    In Earth's young penitence,

    And I have bled in that Babe's stead

    Because of innocence.

    I bear the sins of sinful men

    That have no sin of my own,

    They drive me forth to Heaven's wrath

    Unpastured and alone.

    I am the meat of...

  •  How was I worthy so divine a loss,

        Deepening my midnights, kindling all my morns?

      Why waste such precious wood to make my cross,

        Such far-sought roses for my crown of thorns?

      And when she came, how earned I such a gift?

        Why spend on me, a poor earth...

  • They drift down the hall together;

           He smiles in her lifted eyes;

    Like waves of that mighty river,

           The strains of the "Danube" rise.

    They float on its rhythmic measure

           Like leaves on a summer-stream;

    And here, in this scene of pleasure,

           I bury my sweet, dead...

  • Beautiful city, the centre and crater of European confusion,

    O you with your passionate shriek for the rights of an equal humanity,

    How often your Re-volution has proven but E-volution

    Roll’d again back on itself in the tides of a civic insanity!

  • Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder, dear,

    Your head like the golden-rod,

    And we will go sailing away from here

    To the beautiful Land of Nod.

    Away from life's hurry and flurry and worry,

    Away from earth's shadows and gloom,

    To a world of fair weather we'll float off together,

    Where roses...

  • Beauty crowds me till I die

    Beauty mercy have on me

    But if I expire today

    Let it be in sight of thee —