• As Watchers hang upon the East,

    As Beggars revel at a feast

    By savory Fancy spread —

    As brooks in deserts babble sweet

    On ear too far for the delight,

    Heaven beguiles the tired.

    As that same watcher, when the East

    Opens the lid of Amethyst

    And lets the morning go —

  • As we pass Houses musing slow

    If they be occupied

    So minds pass minds

    If they be occupied

  • As willing lid o'er weary eye

    The Evening on the Day leans

    Till of all our nature's House

    Remains but Balcony

  • Ashes denote that Fire was —

    Revere the Grayest Pile

    For the Departed Creature's sake

    That hovered there awhile —

    Fire exists the first in light

    And then consolidates

    Only the Chemist can disclose

    Into what Carbonates.

  • When Jim and Bill and I were boys a many years ago,

    How gayly did we use to hail the coming of the snow!

    Our sleds, fresh painted red and with their runners round and bright,

    Seemed to respond right briskly to our clamor of delight

    As we dragged them up the slippery road that climbed the rugged hill

    Where perched...

  •         THE planted seed consigned to common earth,

                Disdains to moulder with the baser clay;

                But rises up to meet the light of day,

            Spreads all its leaves, and flowers, and tendrils forth;

                And, bathed and ripened in the genial ray,

            Pours out its perfume on the...

  • We will not speak of years to-night,—

      For what have years to bring

    But larger floods of live and light,

      And sweeter songs to sing?

    We will not drown in wordy praise

      The kindly thoughts that rise;

    If Friendship own one tender phrase,

      He reads it in our eyes.


  • At Half past Three, a single Bird

    Unto a silent Sky

    Propounded but a single term

    Of cautious melody.

    At Half past Four, Experiment

    Had subjugated test

    And lo, Her silver Principle

    Supplanted all the rest.

    At Half past Seven, Element

    Nor Implement, be seen...

  • Leave me a little while alone,

    Here at his grave that still is strown

    With crumbling flower and wreath;

    The laughing rivulet leaps and falls,

    The thrush exults, the cuckoo calls,

    And he lies hush'd beneath.

    With myrtle cross and crown of rose,

    And every lowlier flower that blows,