• This book is all that ’s left me now!
      Tears will unbidden start,—
    With faltering lip and throbbing brow
      I press it to my heart.
    For many generations past,
      Here is our family tree;
    My mother’s hands this Bible clasped,
      She, dying, gave it me.

    Ah! well do I remember those
      Whose names these records bear;

  • This book is all that ’s left me now,—
      Tears will unbidden start,—
    With faltering lip and throbbing brow
      I press it to my heart.
    For many generations past
      Here is our family tree;
    My mother’s hands this Bible clasped,
      She, dying, gave it me.

    Ah! well do I remember those
      Whose names these records bear;

  • E’en such is time; that takes in trust
      Our youth, our joys, our all we have,
    And pays us but with earth and dust;
    Who in the dark and silent grave,
    When we have wandered all our ways,
    Shuts up the story of our days:
    But from this earth, this grave, this dust,
    My God shall raise me up, I trust.

  • The Bible is an antique Volume —

    Written by faded men

    At the suggestion of Holy Spectres —

    Subjects — Bethlehem —

    Eden — the ancient Homestead —

    Satan — the Brigadier —

    Judas — the Great Defaulter —

    David — the Troubador —

    Sin — a distinguished Precipice

    Others must...