• Whose is the love that, gleaming through the world,
    Wards off the poisonous arrow of its scorn?
    Whose is the warm and partial praise,
    Virtue's most sweet reward?

    Beneath whose looks did my reviving soul
    Riper in truth and virtuous daring grow?
    Whose eyes have I gazed fondly on,
    And loved mankind the more?

    Harriet! on thine:—thou wert my purer...

  • Music, when soft voices die,
    Vibrates in the memory.—
    Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
    Live within the sense they quicken.—

    Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
    Are heap'd for the beloved's bed—
    And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
    Love itself shall slumber on.

  • The fountains mingle with the river
    And the rivers with the ocean,
    The winds of heaven mix for ever
    With a sweet emotion;
    Nothing in the world is single,
    All things by a law divine
    In one another's being mingle—
    Why not I with thine?

    See the mountains kiss high heaven,
    And the waves clasp one another;
    No sister-flower would be forgiven

  • When the lamp is shattered
    The light in the dust lies dead -
    When the cloud is scattered,
    The rainbow's glory is shed.
    When the lute is broken,
    Sweet tones are remembered not;
    When the lips have spoken,
    Loved accents are soon forgot.
    As music and splendour
    Survive not the lamp and the lute,
    The heart's echoes render
    No song when...

  • Music, when soft voices die,
    Vibrates in the memory—
    Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
    Live within the sense they quicken.

    Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
    Are heap’d for the beloved’s bed;
    And so thy thoughts when thou are gone,
    Love itself shall slumber on.

  • I arise from dreams of thee
    In the first sweet sleep of night,
    When the winds are breathing low,
    And the stars are shining bright.
    I arise from dreams of thee,
    And a spirit in my feet
    Hath led me—who knows how?
    To thy chamber window, Sweet!

    The wandering airs they faint
    On the dark, the silent stream—
    And the champak’s odours