• From “Catiline,” Act V. Sc. 2.
    SOUND all to arms!  (A flourish of trumpets.)
    Call in the captains,—(To an officer.)
                                    I would speak with them!
    (The officer goes.)Now, Hope! away,—and welcome gallant Death!
    Welcome the clanging shield, the trumpet’s yell,—
    Welcome the fever of the mounting blood,
    That makes...

  • It was the wild midnight,—
      A storm was on the sky;
    The lightning gave its light,
      And the thunder echoed by.

    The torrent swept the glen,
      The ocean lashed the shore;
    Then rose the Spartan men,
      To make their bed in gore!

    Swift from the deluge ground
      Three hundred took the shield;
    Then, silent, gathered...