The Day had been a calm and sunny day,
  And tinged with amber was the sky at even;
The fleecy clouds at length had rolled away,
  And lay in furrows on the eastern heaven;—
The moon arose and shed a glimmering ray,
And round her orb a misty circle lay....

Fresh from the fountains of the wood
  A rivulet of the valley came,
And glided on for many a rood,
  Flushed with the morning’s ruddy flame.

The air was fresh and soft and sweet;
  The slopes in spring’s new verdure lay,
And wet with dew-drops...

AS 1 when, on Carmel’s sterile steep,
  The ancient prophet bowed the knee,
And seven times sent his servant forth
  To look toward the distant sea;

There came at last a little cloud,
  Scarce larger than the human hand,