• I ’d been away from her three years,—about that,
      And I returned to find my Mary true;
    And though I ’d question her, I did not doubt that
      It was unnecessary so to do.

    ’T was by the chimney-corner we were sitting:
      “Mary,” said I, “have you been always true?”
    “Frankly,” says she, just pausing in her knitting,
      “I don’t think I ’ve...

  • From the Chinese by William. R. Alger

    SHE says, “The cock crows,—hark!”
    He says, “No! still ’t is dark.”

    She says, “The dawn grows bright,”
    He says, “O no, my Light.”

    She says, “Stand up and say,
    Gets not the heaven gray?”

    He says, “The morning star
    Climbs the horizon’s bar.”

    She says, “Then quick depart: