• Fair lady with the bandaged eye!
      I ’ll pardon all thy scurvy tricks,
    So thou wilt cut me, and deny
      Alike thy kisses and thy kicks:
    I ’m quite contented as I am,
      Have cash to keep my duns at bay,
    Can choose between beefsteaks and ham,
      And drink Madeira every day.

    My station is the middle rank,
      My fortune—just a...

  • St. stephen’s cloistered hall was proud
      In learning’s pomp that day,
    For there a robed and stately crowd
      Pressed on in long array.
    A mariner with simple chart
      Confronts that conclave high,
    While strong ambition stirs his heart,
    And burning thoughts of wonder part
      From lip and sparkling eye.

    What hath he said?...

  • Above them spread a stranger sky;
      Around, the sterile plain;
    The rock-bound coast rose frowning nigh;
      Beyond,—the wrathful main:
    Chill remnants of the wintry snow
      Still choked the encumbered soil,
    Yet forth those Pilgrim Fathers go
      To mark their future toil.

    ’Mid yonder vale their corn must rise
      In summer’s...

  • Ho! city of the gay!
      Paris! what festal rite
    Doth call thy thronging million forth,
      All eager for the sight?
    Thy soldiers line the streets
      In fixed and stern array,
    With buckled helm and bayonet,
      As on the battle-day.

    By square, and fountain side,
      Heads in dense masses rise,
    And tower and battlement and...

  • The news
    the NEWS! our morning, noon, evening cry,
    Day unto day repeats it till we die.
    For this the cit, the critic, and the fop,
    Dally the hour away in Tonsor’s shop;
    For this the gossip takes her daily route,
    And wears your threshold and your patience out;
    For this we leave the parson in the lurch,
    And pause to prattle on the...

  •     gay, guiltless pair,
    What seek ye from the fields of heaven?
        Ye have no need of prayer,
    Ye have no sins to be forgiven.

        Why perch ye here,
    Where mortals to their Maker bend?
        Can your pure spirits fear
    The God ye never could offend?

        Ye never knew
    The crimes for which we come to weep.

  • We are but two—the others sleep
      Through death’s untroubled night;
    We are but two—O, let us keep
      The link that binds us bright.

    Heart leaps to heart—the sacred flood
      That warms us is the same;
    That good old man—his honest blood
      Alike we fondly claim.

    We in one mother’s arms were locked—
      Long be her love repaid...

  • Men of the North, look up!
        There ’s a tumult in your sky;
    A troubled glory surging out,
        Great shadows hurrying by.

    Your strength—where is it now?
        Your quivers—are they spent?
    Your arrows in the rust of death,
        Your fathers’ bows unbent?

    Men of the North, awake!
        Ye ’re called to from the deep;...

  • There are harps that complain to the presence of night,
      To the presence of night alone—
      In a near and unchangeable tone—
    Like winds, full of sound, that go whispering by,
    As if some immortal had stooped from the sky,
      And breathed out a blessing—and flown!

    Yes! harps that complain to the breezes of night,
      To the breezes of night...

  • To him who in the love of Nature holds
    Communion with her visible forms, she speaks
    A various language; for his gayer hours
    She has a voice of gladness, and a smile
    And eloquence of beauty, and she glides
    Into his darker musings, with a mild
    And healing sympathy, that steals away
    Their sharpness, ere he is aware. When thoughts