• “o pour upon my soul again
        That sad, unearthly strain,
    That seems from other worlds to plain;
    Thus falling, falling from afar,
    As if some melancholy star
    Had mingled with her light her sighs,
        And dropped them from the skies!

    “No,—never came from aught below
        This melody of woe,
    That makes my heart to overflow...

  • And thou art gone, most loved, most honored friend!
    No, nevermore thy gentle voice shall blend
    With air of Earth its pure ideal tones,
    Binding in one, as with harmonious zones,
    The heart and intellect. And I no more
    Shall with thee gaze on that unfathomed deep,
    The Human Soul,—as when, pushed off the shore,
    Thy mystic bark would through...

  • Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning;
      Joy to the lands that in darkness have lain;
    Hushed be the accents of sorrow and mourning;
      Zion in triumph begins her mild reign!

    Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning,
      Long by the prophets of Israel foretold;
    Hail to the millions from bondage returning;
      Gentiles and Jews...

  • Gently, lord, oh, gently lead us,
      Pilgrims in this vale of tears,
    Through the trials yet decreed us,
      Till our last great change appears.
    When temptation’s darts assail us,
      When in devious paths we stray,
    Let thy goodness never fail us,
      Lead us in thy perfect way.

    In the hour of pain and anguish,
      In the hour...

  • Child of sin and sorrow,
      Filled with dismay,
    Wait not for to-morrow,
      Yield thee to-day.
      Heaven bids thee come
      While yet there ’s room:
    Child of sin and sorrow!
      Hear and obey.

    Child of sin and sorrow,
      Why wilt thou die?
    Come whilst thou canst borrow
      Help from on high:
      Grieve not...

  • How dear to this heart are the scenes of my childhood,
      When fond recollection presents them to view!
    The orchard, the meadow, the deep-tangled wild-wood,
      And every loved spot which my infancy knew!
    The wide-spreading pond, and the mill that stood by it,
      The bridge, and the rock where the cataract fell,
    The cot of my father, the dairy-house...

  • O say, my flattering heart,
      Loves she like me?
    Is her’s thy counterpart,
      Throbs it like thee?
    Does she remember yet
    The spot where first we met,
    Which I shall ne’er forget,
      Loves she like me?

    Soft echoes still repeat
      “Loves she like me?”
    When on that mossy seat,
      Beneath the tree,
    I wake...

  • Thou little bird, thou dweller by the sea,
      Why takest thou its melancholy voice,
        And with that boding cry
        Why o’er the waves dost fly?
    O, rather, bird, with me
      Through the fair land rejoice!

    Thy flitting form comes ghostly dim and pale,
      As driven by a beating storm at sea;
        Thy cry is weak and scared,...

  • And do our loves all perish with our frames?
    Do those that took their root and put forth buds,
    And their soft leaves unfolded in the warmth
    Of mutual hearts, grow up and live in beauty,
    Then fade and fall, like fair, unconscious flowers?
    Are thoughts and passions that to the tongue give speech,
    And make it send forth winning harmonies,—

  •   whence come ye, Cherubs? from the moon?
        Or from a shining star?
      Ye sure are sent, a blessed boon,
        From kinder worlds afar;
    For, while I look, my heart is all delight:
    Earth has no creatures half so pure and bright.

      From moon nor star we hither flew;
        The moon doth wane away,—
      The stars they pale at morning dew...