• O friends! with whom my feet have trod
      The quiet aisles of prayer,
    Glad witness to your zeal for God
      And love of man I bear.

    I trace your lines of argument;
      Your logic linked and strong
    I weigh as one who dreads dissent,
      And fears a doubt as wrong.

    But still my human hands are weak
      To hold your iron creeds:...

  • The world TRANSFORMED
    UNWARMED by any sunset light
    The gray day darkened into night,
    A night made hoary with the swarm
    And whirl-dance of the blinding storm,
    As zigzag, wavering to and fro,
    Crossed and recrossed the wingëd snow:
    And ere the early bedtime came
    The white drift piled the window-frame,
    And through the glass the...

  • Still sits the school-house by the road,
      A ragged beggar sunning;
    Around it still the sumachs grow,
      And blackberry vines are running.

    Within, the master’s desk is seen,
      Deep scarred by raps official;
    The warping floor, the battered seats,
      The jack-knife’s carved initial;

    The charcoal frescos on its wall;

  • God called the nearest angels who dwell with Him above:
    The tenderest one was Pity, the dearest one was Love.

    “Arise,” He said, “my angels! a wail of woe and sin
    Steals through the gates of heaven, and saddens all within.

    “My harps take up the mournful strain that from a lost world swells,
    The smoke of torment clouds the light and blights the...

  • Our fathers’ God! from out whose hand
    The centuries fall like grains of sand,
    We meet to-day, united, free,
    And loyal to our land and Thee,
    To thank Thee for the era done,
    And trust Thee for the opening one.

    Here, where of old, by Thy design,
    The fathers spake that word of Thine
    Whose echo is the glad refrain
    Of rended...

  • She came and stood in the Old South Church
      A wonder and a sign,
    With a look the old-time sibyls wore,
      Half-crazed and half-divine.

    Save the mournful sackcloth about her wound,
      Unclothed as the primal mother,
    With limbs that trembled and eyes that blazed
      With a fire she dare not smother.

    Loose on her shoulders fell her...

  • Unnoted as the setting of a star
      He passed; and sect and party scarcely knew
      When from their midst a sage and seer withdrew
    To fitter audience, where the great dead are
    In God’s republic of the heart and mind,
    Leaving no purer, nobler soul behind.

  • I write my name as one,
    On sands by waves o’errun
    Or winter’s frosted pane,
    Traces a record vain.

    Oblivion’s blankness claims
    Wiser and better names,
    And well my own may pass
    As from the strand or glass.

    Wash on, O waves of time!
    Melt, noons, the frosty rime!
    Welcome the shadow vast,
    The silence that...

  • A day and then a week passed by:
      The redbird hanging from the sill
    Sang not; and all were wondering why
        It was so still—
    When one bright morning, loud and clear,
    Its whistle smote my drowsy ear,
    Ten times repeated, till the sound
    Filled every echoing niche around;
    And all things earliest loved by me,—
    The bird, the...

  •   the autumn time is with us. Its approach
    Was heralded, not many days ago,
    By hazy skies that veiled the brazen sun,
    And sea-like murmurs from the rustling corn,
    And low-voiced brooks that wandered drowsily
    By pendent clusters of empurpling grapes
    Swinging upon the vine. And now, ’t is here!
    And what a change hath passed upon the face...