•   thy cruise is over now,
        Thou art anchored by the shore,
      And never more shalt thou
        Hear the storm around thee roar;
    Death has shaken out the sands of thy glass.
      Now around thee sports the whale,
      And the porpoise snuffs the gale,
      And the night-winds wake their wail,
          As they pass.

      The sea-grass...

  •     there ’s beauty in the deep:
    The wave is bluer than the sky;
    And though the lights shine bright on high,
    More softly do the sea-gems glow
    That sparkle in the depths below;
    The rainbow’s tints are only made
    When on the waters they are laid,
    And Sun and Moon most sweetly shine
    Upon the ocean’s level brine.
        There ’s...

  • I saw two clouds at morning,
      Tinged with the rising sun,
    And in the dawn they floated on,
      And mingled into one:
    I thought that morning cloud was blest,
    It moved so sweetly to the west.

    I saw two summer currents
      Flow smoothly to their meeting,
    And join their course, with silent force,
      In peace each other greeting...

  • Softly now the light of day
    Fades upon my sight away;
    Free from care, from labor free,
    Lord, I would commune with Thee:

    Thou, whose all-pervading eye,
      Naught escapes, without, within,
    Pardon each infirmity,
      Open fault and secret sin.

    Soon, for me, the light of day
    Shall forever pass away;
    Then, from sin and...

  • Sweet robin, I have heard them say
    That thou wert there upon the day
    The Christ was crowned in cruel scorn
    And bore away one bleeding thorn,—
    That so the blush upon thy breast,
    In shameful sorrow, was impressed;
    And thence thy genial sympathy
    With our redeemed humanity.

    Sweet Robin, would that I might be
    Bathed in my...

  • It was but yesterday, my love, thy little heart beat high,
    And I had scorned the warning voice that told me thou must die;
    I saw thee move with active bound, with spirits light and free,
    And infant grace and beauty gave their glorious charm to thee.

    Upon the dewy field I saw thine early footsteps fly,
    Unfettered as the matin bird that cleaves the...

  • Channing! my Mentor whilst my thought was young,
    And I the votary of fair liberty,—
    How hung I then upon thy glowing tongue,
    And thought of love and truth as one with thee!
    Thou wast the inspirer of a nobler life,
    When I with error waged unequal strife,
    And from its coils thy teaching set me free.
    Be ye, his followers, to his leading true...

  • Misfortune to have lived not knowing thee!
    ’T were not high living, nor to noblest end,
    Who, dwelling near, learned not sincerity,
    Rich friendship’s ornament that still doth lend
    To life its consequence and propriety.
    Thy fellowship was my culture, noble friend:
    By the hand thou took’st me, and did’st condescend
    To bring me straightway...

  • Thou, sibyl rapt! whose sympathetic soul
    Infused the myst’ries thy tongue failed to tell;
    Though from thy lips the marvellous accents fell,
    And weird wise meanings o’er the senses stole,
    Through those rare cadences, with winsome spell;
    Yet even in such refrainings of thy voice
    There struggled up a wailing undertone,
    That spoke thee victim...

  • Who nearer Nature’s life would truly come
    Must nearest come to him of whom I speak;
    He all kinds knew,—the vocal and the dumb;
    Masterful in genius was he, and unique,
    Patient, sagacious, tender, frolicsome.
    This Concord Pan would oft his whistle take,
    And forth from wood and fen, field, hill, and lake,
    Trooping around him in their several...