Warm, wild, rainy wind, blowing fitfully,
Stirring dreamy breakers on the slumberous May sea,
What shall fail to answer thee? What thing shall withstand
The spell of thine enchantment, flowing over sea and land?

All along the swamp-edge in the rain I go;...

Now the bright morning star, day’s harbinger,
Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her
The flowery May, who from her green lap throws
The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose.
Hail, bounteous May! that doth inspire
Mirth and youth and warm desire;...

Poet: John Milton

From “The Canterbury Pilgrims: The Knightes Tale”

  THE BUSY 1 larke, messager of daye,
Salueth in hire song the morwe graye;
And fyry Phebus ryseth up so brighte,
That al the orient laugheth of the lighte,
And with his stremes dryeth in the greves 2...

From “The Winter Morning Walk:” “The Task,” Bk. V.

’T IS the morning, and the sun with ruddy orb
Ascending fires the horizon; while the clouds,
That crowd away before the driving wind,
More ardent as the disc emerges more,
Resembles most some city in a...

Let Taylor preach, upon a morning breezy,
How well to rise while nights and larks are flying—
For my part, getting up seems not so easy
            By half as lying.

What if the lark does carol in the sky,
Soaring beyond the sight to find him out,—...

Poet: Thomas Hood

Angels in the early morning

May be seen the dews among,

Stooping, plucking, smiling, flying :

Do the buds to them belong ?

Angels when the sun...


Good Morning — Midnight —

I'm coming Home —

Day — got tired of Me —

How could I — of Him?

Sunshine was a sweet place —

I liked to stay —

But Morn — didn't want me — now —

So — Goodnight...


He is alive, this morning —

He is alive — and awake —

Birds are resuming for Him —

Blossoms — dress for His Sake.

Bees — to their Loaves of Honey

Add an Amber Crumb

Him — to regale — Me — Only —


Taken from men — this morning —

Carried by men today —

Met by the Gods with banners —

Who marshalled her away —

One little maid — from playmates —

One little mind from school —

There must be guests...


The Morning after Woe —

'Tis frequently the Way —

Surpasses all that rose before —

For utter Jubilee —

As Nature did not care —

And piled her Blossoms on —

And further to parade a Joy

