We — Bee and I — live by the quaffing —

'Tisn't all Hock — with us —

Life has its Ale —

But it's many a lay of the Dim Burgundy —

We chant — for cheer — when the Wines — fail —

Do we "get drunk"?



We'll pass without the parting

So to spare

Certificate of Absence —

Deeming where

I left Her I could find Her

If I tried —

This way, I keep from missing

Those that died.


       "When I and all those that hear me shall have gone to our last home, and

        when the mould may have gathered on our memories, as it will on our

        tombs:" -- Webster's Speech in the Senate, July, 1850.




Went up a year this evening!

I recollect it well!

Amid no bells nor bravoes

The bystanders will tell!

Cheerful — as to the village —

Tranquil — as to repose —

Chastened — as to the Chapel



Were it but Me that gained the Height —

Were it but They, that failed!

How many things the Dying play

Might they but live, they would!


Were it to be the last

How infinite would be

What we did not suspect was marked —

Our final interview.


Were natural mortal lady

Who had so little time

To pack her trunk and order

The great exchange of clime —

How rapid, how momentous —

What exigencies were —

But nature will be ready



Wert Thou but ill — that I might show thee

How long a Day I could endure

Though thine attention stop not on me

Nor the least signal, Me assure —

Wert Thou but Stranger in ungracious country —

And Mine — the Door...


What care the Dead, for Chanticleer —

What care the Dead for Day?

'Tis late your Sunrise vex their face —

And Purple Ribaldry — of Morning

Pour as blank on them

As on the Tier of Wall

The Mason...


What did They do since I saw Them?

Were They industrious?

So many questions to put Them

Have I the eagerness

That could I snatch Their Faces

That could Their lips reply

Not till the last was answered...
