Oh, what a set of Vagabundos,
  Sons of Neptune, sons of Mars,
Raked from todos otros mundos,
  Lascars, Gascons, Portsmouth tars,
Prison mate and dock-yard fellow,
  Blades to Meg and Molly dear,
Off to capture Porto Bello
  Sailed with...

That sovereign thought obscured? That vision clear
  Dimmed in the shadow of the sable wing,
  And fainter grown the fine interpreting
Which as an oracle was ours to hear!
Nay, but the Gods reclaim not from the seer
  Their gift,—although he ceases here to...

When the veil from the eyes is lifted
  The seer’s head is gray;
When the sailor to shore has drifted
  The sirens are far away.
Why must the clearer vision,
  The wisdom of Life’s late hour,
Come, as in Fate’s derision,
  When the hand has...

Give me to die unwitting of the day,
And stricken in Life’s brave heat, with senses clear:
Not swathed and couched until the lines appear
Of Death’s wan mask upon this withering clay,
But as that old man eloquent made way
From Earth, a nation’s conclave...

    where broods the Absolute,
    Or shuns our long pursuit
By fiery utmost pathways out of ken?
    Fleeter than sunbeams, lo,
    Our passionate spirits go,
And traverse immemorial space, and then
  Look off, and look in vain, to find

Thou,—whose endearing hand once laid in sooth
Upon thy follower, no want thenceforth,
Nor toil, nor joy and pain, nor waste of years
Filled with all cares that deaden and subdue,
Can make thee less to him—can make thee less
Than sovereign queen, his first...

When the veil from the eyes is lifted
  The seer’s head is gray;
When the sailor to shore has drifted
  The sirens are far away.
Why must the clearer vision,
  The wisdom of Life’s late hour,
Come, as in Fate’s derision,
  When the hand has...

            COULD we but know
The land that ends our dark, uncertain travel,
  Where lie those happier hills and meadows low;
Ah! if beyond the spirit’s inmost cavil
  Aught of that country could we surely know,
            Who would not go?


The Sunlight fills the trembling air,
  And balmy days their guerdons bring;
The Earth again is young and fair,
  And amorous with musky Spring.

The golden nurslings of the May
  In splendor strew the spangled green,
And hues of tender beauty...

Just where the Treasury’s marble front
  Looks over Wall Street’s mingled nations;
Where Jews and Gentiles most are wont
  To throng for trade and last quotations;
Where, hour by hour, the rates of gold
  Outrival, in the ears of people,