• This is a Blossom of the Brain —

    A small — italic Seed

    Lodged by Design or Happening

    The Spirit fructified —

    Shy as the Wind of his Chambers

    Swift as a Freshet's Tongue

    So of the Flower of the Soul

    Its process is unknown.

    When it is found, a few rejoice


  • This is my letter to the World

    That never wrote to Me —

    The simple News that Nature told —

    With tender Majesty

    Her Message is committed

    To Hands I cannot see —

    For love of Her — Sweet — countrymen —

    Judge tenderly — of Me

  • This Me — that walks and works — must die,

    Some fair or stormy Day,

    Adversity if it may be

    Or wild prosperity

    The Rumor's Gate was shut so tight

    Before my mind was born

    Not even a Prognostic's push

    Can make a Dent thereon —

  • This slow Day moved along —

    I heard its axles go

    As if they could not hoist themselves

    They hated motion so —

    I told my soul to come —

    It was no use to wait —

    We went and played and came again

    And it was out of sight —

  • This was a Poet — It is That

    Distills amazing sense

    From ordinary Meanings —

    And Attar so immense

    From the familiar species

    That perished by the Door —

    We wonder it was not Ourselves

    Arrested it — before —

    Of Pictures, the Discloser —

    The Poet — it is He —...

  • This was in the White of the Year —

    That — was in the Green —

    Drifts were as difficult then to think

    As Daisies now to be seen —

    Looking back is best that is left

    Or if it be — before —

    Retrospection is Prospect's half,

    Sometimes, almost more.

  • This — is the land — the Sunset washes —

    These — are the Banks of the Yellow Sea —

    Where it rose — or whither it rushes —

    These — are the Western Mystery!

    Night after Night

    Her purple traffic

    Strews the landing with Opal Bales —

    Merchantmen — poise upon Horizons —

    Dip — and...

  • Those fair — fictitious People —

    The Women — plucked away

    From our familiar Lifetime —

    The Men of Ivory —

    Those Boys and Girls, in Canvas —

    Who stay upon the Wall

    In Everlasting Keepsake —

    Can Anybody tell?

    We trust — in places perfecter —


  • The shearers sat in the firelight, hearty and hale and strong,

    After the hard day's shearing, passing the joke along:

    The "ringer" that shore a hundred, as they never were shorn before,

    And the novice who, toiling bravely, had tommy-hawked half a score,

    The tarboy, the cook and the skushy, the sweeper that swept the board,...

  • Those who have been in the Grave the longest —

    Those who begin Today —

    Equally perish from our Practise —

    Death is the other way —

    Foot of the Bold did least attempt it —

    It — is the White Exploit —

    Once to achieve, annuls the power

    Once to communicate —