• There's the Battle of Burgoyne —

    Over, every Day,

    By the Time that Man and Beast

    Put their work away

    "Sunset" sounds majestic —

    But that solemn War

    Could you comprehend it

    You would chastened stare —

  • These are the days that Reindeer love

    And pranks the Northern star —

    This is the Sun's objective,

    And Finland of the Year.

    * * *

    These are the Idiots chiefest artst

    To blend & not define the Parts

    The Swallow sings in Courts of Kings

    That Fools have their high finishings
    5And this the Princes golden rule


  • These are the Signs to Nature's Inns —

    Her invitation broad

    To Whosoever famishing

    To taste her mystic Bread —

    These are the rites of Nature's House —

    The Hospitality

    That opens with an equal width

    To Beggar and to Bee

    For Sureties of her staunch Estate


  • These held their Wick above the West —

    Till when the Red declined —

    Or how the Amber aided it —

    Defied to be defined —

    Then waned without disparagement

    In a dissembling Hue

    That would not let the Eye decide

    Did it abide or no —

  • These tested Our Horizon —

    Then disappeared

    As Birds before achieving

    A Latitude.

    Our Retrospection of Them

    A fixed Delight,

    But our Anticipation

    A Dice — a Doubt —

  • These — saw Visions —

    Latch them softly —

    These — held Dimples —

    Smooth them slow —

    This — addressed departing accents —

    Quick — Sweet Mouth — to miss thee so —

    This — We stroked —

    Unnumbered Satin —

    These — we held among our own —

    Fingers of the Slim Aurora —...

  • They ask but our Delight —

    The Darlings of the Soil

    And grant us all their Countenance

    For a penurious smile.

  • They dropped like Flakes —

    They dropped like Stars —

    Like Petals from a Rose —

    When suddenly across the June

    A wind with fingers — goes —

    They perished in the Seamless Grass —

    No eye could find the place —

    But God can summon every face

    Of his Repealless — List.

  • They have a little Odor — that to me

    Is metre — nay — 'tis melody —

    And spiciest at fading — indicate —

    A Habit — of a Laureate —