•  * * *

    There was an Old Person of Ewell,

    Who chiefly subsisted on gruel;

    But to make it more nice

    He inserted some mice,

    Which refreshed that Old Person of Ewell.

     <Publ. 1846>

  •  * * *


     There was an old person of Fife,

     Who was greatly disgusted with life;

     They sang him a ballad,

     And fed him on salad,

     Which cured that old person of Fife.


     <Publ. 1872>

  •  * * *

    There was an Old Person of Hurst,

    Who drank when he was not athirst;

           When they said, “You’ll grow fatter,”

           He answered, “What matter?”

    That globular Person of Hurst.

    <Publ. 1846>

  •  * * *

    There was an Old Person of Ischia,
    Whose conduct grew friskier and friskier;
    He dance...

  • * * *

    There was an Old Person of Leeds,
    Whose head was infested with beads;

  •  * * *

     There was an old person of Minety

     Who purchased five hundred and ninety

     Large apples and pears,

     Which he threw unawares

     At the heads of the people of Minety.

     <Publ. 1846>

  •  * * *

    There was an old person of Putney,

    Whose food was roast spiders and chutney,

    Which he took with his tea,

    Within sight of the sea,

    That romantic old person of Putney.

    <Publ. 1872>

  •  * * *

     There was an old person of Wick,

     Who said, 'Tick-a-Tick, Tick-a-Tick;

     Chickabee, Chickabaw,'

     And he said nothing more,

     That laconic old person of Wick.


     <Publ. 1872>

  • * * *

    There was on Old Man of the Isles,
    Whose face was pervaded with smiles;

  • There's been a Death, in the Opposite House,

    As lately as Today —

    I know it, by the numb look

    Such Houses have — alway —

    The Neighbors rustle in and out —

    The Doctor — drives away —

    A Window opens like a Pod —

    Abrupt — mechanically —

    Somebody flings a Mattress out —...