• The Suburbs of a Secret

    A Strategist should keep,

    Better than on a Dream intrude

    To scrutinize the Sleep.

  • The Sun and Moon must make their haste —

    The Stars express around

    For in the Zones of Paradise

    The Lord alone is burned —

    His Eye, it is the East and West —

    The North and South when He

    Do concentrate His Countenance

    Like Glow Worms, flee away —

    Oh Poor and Far —

  • The Sun is gay or stark

    According to our Deed.

    If Merry, He is merrier —

    If eager for the Dead

    Or an expended Day

    He helped to make too bright

    His mighty pleasure suits Us not

    It magnifies Our Freight

  • The Sun is one — and on the Tare

    He doth as punctual call

    As on the conscientious Flower

    And estimates them all —

  • The Sun kept stooping — stooping — low!

    The Hills to meet him rose!

    On his side, what Transaction!

    On their side, what Repose!

    Deeper and deeper grew the stain

    Upon the window pane —

    Thicker and thicker stood the feet

    Until the Tyrian

    Was crowded dense with Armies —...

  • The Sun — just touched the Morning —

    The Morning — Happy thing —

    Supposed that He had come to dwell —

    And Life would all be Spring!

    She felt herself supremer —

    A Raised — Ethereal Thing!

    Henceforth — for Her — What Holiday!

    Meanwhile — Her wheeling King —

    Trailed — slow —...

  • The Sunrise runs for Both —

    The East — Her Purple Troth

    Keeps with the Hill —

    The Noon unwinds Her Blue

    Till One Breadth cover Two —

    Remotest — still —

    Nor does the Night forget

    A Lamp for Each — to set —

    Wicks wide away —

    The North — Her blazing Sign

  • The sweetest Heresy received

    That Man and Woman know —

    Each Other's Convert —

    Though the Faith accommodate but Two —

    The Churches are so frequent —

    The Ritual — so small —

    The Grace so unavoidable —

    To fail — is Infidel —

  • The Symptom of the Gale —

    The Second of Dismay —

    Between its Rumor and its Face —

    Is almost Revelry —

    The Houses firmer root —

    The Heavens cannot be found —

    The Upper Surfaces of things

    Take covert in the Ground —

    The Mem'ry of the Sun

    Not Any can recall —...

  • Would my Delia know if I love, let her take

    My last thought at night, and the first when I wake;

    With my prayers and best wishes preferr'd for her sake.

    Let her guess what I muse on, when rambling alone

    I stride o'er the stubble each day with my gun,

    Never ready to shoot till the covey is flown.
