• The Heart has narrow Banks

    It measures like the Sea

    In mighty — unremitting Bass

    And Blue Monotony

    Till Hurricane bisect

    And as itself discerns

    Its insufficient Area

    The Heart convulsive learns

    That Calm is but a Wall

    Of unattempted Gauze


  • The Heart is the Capital of the Mind —

    The Mind is a single State —

    The Heart and the Mind together make

    A single Continent —

    One — is the Population —

    Numerous enough —

    This ecstatic Nation

    Seek — it is Yourself.

  • To satin races he is nought;

    But children on the Don

    Beneath his tabernacles play,

    And Dnieper wrestlers run.

  • The Hills erect their Purple Heads

    The Rivers lean to see

    Yet Man has not of all the Throng

    A Curiosity.

  • The incidents of love

    Are more than its Events —

    Investment's best Expositor

    Is the minute Per Cents —

  • The inundation of the Spring

    Enlarges every soul —

    It sweeps the tenement away

    But leaves the Water whole —

    In which the soul at first estranged —

    Seeks faintly for its shore

    But acclimated — pines no more

    For that Peninsula —

  • The Jay his Castanet has struck

    Put on your muff for Winter

    The Tippet that ignores his voice

    Is impudent to nature

    Of Swarthy Days he is the close

    His Lotus is a chestnut

    The Cricket drops a sable line

    No more from yours at present

  • The joy that has no stem no core,

    Nor seed that we can sow,

    Is edible to longing.

    But ablative to show.

    By fundamental palates

    Those products are preferred

    Impregnable to transit

    And patented by pod.