Under the Light, yet under,

Under the Grass and the Dirt,

Under the Beetle's Cellar

Under the Clover's Root,

Further than Arm could stretch

Were it Giant long,

Further than Sunshine could


This is the place where they all were bred;

Some of the rafters are standing still;

Now they are scattered and lost and dead,

Every one from the old nest fled,

Out of the shadow of Kiley's Hill.

Better it is...


I HAVE done one braver thing
Than all the Worthies did;

And yet a braver thence doth spring,
Which is, to keep that hid.


Undue Significance a starving man attaches

To Food —

Far off — He sighs — and therefore — Hopeless —

And therefore — Good —

Partaken — it relieves — indeed —

But proves us

That Spices fly


Unfulfilled to Observation —

Incomplete — to Eye —

But to Faith — a Revolution

In Locality —

Unto Us — the Suns extinguish —

To our Opposite —

New Horizons — they embellish —

Fronting Us...


Unit, like Death, for Whom?

True, like the Tomb,

Who tells no secret

Told to Him —

The Grave is strict —

Tickets admit

Just two — the Bearer —

And the Borne —

And seat — just One —...


Father of all! In every age,

In ev'ry clime ador'd,

By saint, by savage, and by sage,

Jehovah, Jove, or Lord!

Thou Great First...


'T was such a little, little boat

That toddled down the bay !

'T was such a gallant, gallant sea

That beckoned it away !

'T was such a greedy,...


           Make me no vows of constancy, dear friend,

           To love me, though I die, thy whole life long,

           And love no other till thy days shall end;

           Nay, it were rash and wrong.



Until the Desert knows

That Water grows

His Sands suffice

But let him once suspect

That Caspian Fact

Sahara dies

Utmost is relative —

Have not or Have

Adjacent sums
