Two Lengths has every Day —

Its absolute extent

And Area superior

By Hope or Horror lent —

Eternity will be

Velocity or Pause

At Fundamental Signals

From Fundamental Laws.



Two swimmers wrestled on the spar

Until the morning sun,

When one turned smiling to the land.

O God, the other one !

The stray ships passing...


Two Travellers perishing in Snow

The Forests as they froze

Together heard them strengthening

Each other with the words

That Heaven if Heaven — must contain

What Either left behind

And then the cheer...


It makes no difference abroad,

The seasons fit the same,

The mornings blossom into noons,

And split their pods of flame.

Wild-flowers kindle in...


Two — were immortal twice —

The privilege of few —

Eternity — obtained — in Time —

Reversed Divinity —

That our ignoble Eyes

The quality conceive

Of Paradise superlative —

Through their...


It little profits that an idle king,

By this still hearth, among these barren crags,

Match'd with an aged wife, I mete and dole

Unequal laws unto a savage race,

That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.



Unable are the Loved to die

For Love is Immortality,

Nay, it is Deity —

Unable they that love — to die

For Love reforms Vitality

Into Divinity.


Uncertain lease — develops lustre

On Time

Uncertain Grasp, appreciation

Of Sum —

The shorter Fate — is oftener the chiefest


Inheritors upon a tenure

Prize —


My Uncle Bill! My Uncle Bill!

How doth my heart with anguish thrill!

For he, our chief, our Robin Hood,

Has gone to jail for stealing wood!

With tears and sobs my voice I raise

To celebrate my uncle's praise;



            Sin’s rooster’s crowed, Ole Mahster’s riz,

            De sleepin’-time is pas’;

            Wake up dem lazy Baptissis,


            Dey’s mightily in de grass, grass,
