When Sol in shades of night was lost,

And all was fast asleep,

In glided Townley's murder'd ghost,

And stood at William's feet.

Infernal wretch, away! he cried,

And view the mangled shade,

Who on...


As if some little Arctic flower,

Upon the polar hem,

Went wandering down the latitudes,

Until it puzzled came

To continents of summer,



The roving breezes come and go, the reed beds sweep pand sway,

The sleepy river murmurs low, and loiters on its way,

It is the land of lots o' time along the Castlereagh.

The old man's son had left the farm, he found it dull and slow,...


Tried always and Condemned by thee

Permit me this reprieve

That dying I may earn the look

For which I cease to live —


Of all the sickly forms of verse,

Commend me to the triolet.

It makes bad writers somewhat worse:

Of all the sickly forms of verse,

That fall beneath a reader's curse,

It is the feeblest jingle yet.

Of all...


I am two fools, I know,
For loving, and for saying so
In whining poetry;

But where's...


Triumph — may be of several kinds —

There's Triumph in the Room

When that Old Imperator — Death —

By Faith


How many times these low feet staggered,

Only the soldered mouth can tell ;

Try !  can you stir the awful rivet ?

Try !  can you lift the hasps of steel ?


Trudging to Eden, looking backward,

I met Somebody's little Boy

Asked him his name — He lisped me "Trotwood" —

Lady, did He belong to thee?

Would it comfort — to know I met him —

And that He didn't look afraid?...
