To flee from memory

Had we the Wings

Many would fly

Inured to slower things

Birds with surprise

Would scan the cowering Van

Of men escaping

From the mind of man


* * *

To forgive Enemies H . does pretend

Who never in his Life forgave a friend


To F——

I mock thee not tho I by thee am Mocked

Thou callst me Madman but I call thee Blockhead


To F——

You call me Mad tis Folly to do so

To seek to turn a Madman to a Foe

If you think as you speak you are an Ass

If you do not you are but what you was


          No Eastern tale, no annals of the past,

             Of Greece or Rome, deeds such as thine relate,

             Deeds kings and emperors might emulate,

          That o'er thy native land new luster cast;



To God

If you have formd a Circle to go into

Go into it yourself & see how you would do


To H

You think Fuseli is not a Great Painter Im Glad

This is one of the best compliments he ever had


To hang our head — ostensibly —

And subsequent, to find

That such was not the posture

Of our immortal mind —

Affords the sly presumption

That in so dense a fuzz —

You — too — take Cobweb attitudes...


To hear an Oriole sing

May be a common thing —

Or only a divine.

It is not of the Bird

Who sings the same, unheard,

As unto Crowd —

The Fashion of the Ear

Attireth that it hear...


To help our Bleaker Parts

Salubrious Hours are given

Which if they do not fit for Earth

Drill silently for Heaven —
