• This that would greet — an hour ago —

    Is quaintest Distance — now —

    Had it a Guest from Paradise —

    Nor glow, would it, nor bow —

    Had it a notice from the Noon

    Nor beam would it nor warm —

    Match me the Silver Reticence —

    Match me the Solid Calm —

  • This was a Poet — It is That

    Distills amazing sense

    From ordinary Meanings —

    And Attar so immense

    From the familiar species

    That perished by the Door —

    We wonder it was not Ourselves

    Arrested it — before —

    Of Pictures, the Discloser —

    The Poet — it is He —...

  • This was in the White of the Year —

    That — was in the Green —

    Drifts were as difficult then to think

    As Daisies now to be seen —

    Looking back is best that is left

    Or if it be — before —

    Retrospection is Prospect's half,

    Sometimes, almost more.

  • This World is not Conclusion.

    A Species stands beyond —

    Invisible, as Music —

    But positive, as Sound —

    It beckons, and it baffles —

    Philosophy — don't know —

    And through a Riddle, at the last —

    Sagacity, must go —

    To guess it, puzzles scholars —

    To gain it, Men have...

  • This — is the land — the Sunset washes —

    These — are the Banks of the Yellow Sea —

    Where it rose — or whither it rushes —

    These — are the Western Mystery!

    Night after Night

    Her purple traffic

    Strews the landing with Opal Bales —

    Merchantmen — poise upon Horizons —

    Dip — and...

  • Tho' I get home how late — how late —

    So I get home - 'twill compensate —

    Better will be the Ecstasy

    That they have done expecting me —

    When Night — descending — dumb — and dark —

    They hear my unexpected knock —

    Transporting must the moment be —

    Brewed from decades of Agony!


  • Tho' my destiny be Fustian —

    Hers be damask fine —

    Tho' she wear a silver apron —

    I, a less divine —

    Still, my little Gypsy being

    I would far prefer,

    Still, my little sunburnt bosom

    To her Rosier,

    For, when Frosts, their punctual fingers

    On her forehead lay...

  • Those cattle smaller than a Bee

    That herd upon the eye —

    Whose tillage is the passing Crumb —

    Those Cattle are the Fly —

    Of Barns for Winter — blameless —

    Extemporaneous stalls

    They found to our objection —

    On eligible walls —

    Reserving the presumption

    To suddenly...

  • Those fair — fictitious People —

    The Women — plucked away

    From our familiar Lifetime —

    The Men of Ivory —

    Those Boys and Girls, in Canvas —

    Who stay upon the Wall

    In Everlasting Keepsake —

    Can Anybody tell?

    We trust — in places perfecter —


  • Those final Creatures, - who they are -

    That faithful to the close

    Administer her ecstasy,

    But just the Summer knows.