• This Dust, and its Feature —

    Accredited — Today —

    Will in a second Future —

    Cease to identify —

    This Mind, and its measure —

    A too minute Area

    For its enlarged inspection's

    Comparison — appear —

    This World, and its species

    A too concluded show


  • This ev'ning, Delia, you and I,

    Have manag'd most delightfully,

       For with a frown we parted;

    Having contrived some trifle that

    We both may be much troubled at,

       And sadly disconcerted.

    Yet well as each perform'd their part,

    We might perceive it was but art,

       And that...

  • This heart that broke so long —

    These feet that never flagged —

    This faith that watched for star in vain,

    Give gently to the dead —

    Hound cannot overtake the Hare

    That fluttered panting, here —

    Nor any schoolboy rob the nest

    Tenderness builded there.

  • This is a Blossom of the Brain —

    A small — italic Seed

    Lodged by Design or Happening

    The Spirit fructified —

    Shy as the Wind of his Chambers

    Swift as a Freshet's Tongue

    So of the Flower of the Soul

    Its process is unknown.

    When it is found, a few rejoice


  • This is my letter to the World

    That never wrote to Me —

    The simple News that Nature told —

    With tender Majesty

    Her Message is committed

    To Hands I cannot see —

    For love of Her — Sweet — countrymen —

    Judge tenderly — of Me

  • This is the place they hoped before,

    Where I am hoping now.

    The seed of disappointment grew

    Within a capsule gay,

    Too distant to arrest the feet

    That walk this plank of balm —

    Before them lies escapeless sea —

    The way is closed they came.

  • This Me — that walks and works — must die,

    Some fair or stormy Day,

    Adversity if it may be

    Or wild prosperity

    The Rumor's Gate was shut so tight

    Before my mind was born

    Not even a Prognostic's push

    Can make a Dent thereon —

  • This Merit hath the worst —

    It cannot be again —

    When Fate hath taunted last

    And thrown Her furthest Stone —

    The Maimed may pause, and breathe,

    And glance securely round —

    The Deer attracts no further

    Than it resists — the Hound —

  • This quiet Dust was Gentleman and Ladies

    And Lads and Girls —

    Was laughter and ability and Sighing

    And Frocks and Curls.

    This Passive Place a Summer's nimble mansion

    Where Bloom and Bees

    Exists an Oriental Circuit

    Then cease, like these —

  • This slow Day moved along —

    I heard its axles go

    As if they could not hoist themselves

    They hated motion so —

    I told my soul to come —

    It was no use to wait —

    We went and played and came again

    And it was out of sight —