• They put Us far apart —

    As separate as Sea

    And Her unsown Peninsula —

    We signified "These see" —

    They took away our Eyes —

    They thwarted Us with Guns —

    "I see Thee" each responded straight

    Through Telegraphic Signs —

    With Dungeons — They devised —


  • They say that "Time assuages" —

    Time never did assuage —

    An actual suffering strengthens

    As Sinews do, with age —

    Time is a Test of Trouble —

    But not a Remedy —

    If such it prove, it prove too

    There was no Malady —

  • They shut me up in Prose —

    As when a little Girl

    They put me in the Closet —

    Because they liked me "still" —

    Still! Could themself have peeped —

    And seen my Brain — go round —

    They might as wise have lodged a Bird

    For Treason — in the Pound —

    Himself has but to will...

  • They talk as slow as Legends grow

    No mushroom is their mind

    But foliage of sterility

    Too stolid for the wind —

    They laugh as wise as Plots of Wit

    Predestined to unfold

    The point with bland prevision

    Portentously untold.

  • They won't frown always — some sweet Day

    When I forget to tease —

    They'll recollect how cold I looked

    And how I just said "Please."

    Then They will hasten to the Door

    To call the little Girl

    Who cannot thank Them for the Ice

    That filled the lisping full.

  • This Bauble was preferred of Bees —

    By Butterflies admired

    At Heavenly — Hopeless Distances —

    Was justified of Bird —

    Did Noon — enamel — in Herself

    Was Summer to a Score

    Who only knew of Universe —

    It had created Her.

  • This Chasm, Sweet, opon my life

    I mention it to you,

    When Sunrise through a fissure drop

    The Day must follow too.

    If we demur, its gaping sides

    Disclose as 'twere a Tomb

    Ourself am lying straight wherein

    The Favorite of Doom.

    When it has just contained a Life

  • This Consciousness that is aware

    Of Neighbors and the Sun

    Will be the one aware of Death

    And that itself alone

    Is traversing the interval

    Experience between

    And most profound experiment

    Appointed unto Men —

    How adequate unto itself

    Its properties shall be...

  • This dirty — little — Heart

    Is freely mine.

    I won it with a Bun —

    A Freckled shrine —

    But eligibly fair

    To him who sees

    The Visage of the Soul

    And not the knees.

  • This docile one inter

    While we who dare to live

    Arraign the sunny brevity

    That sparkled to the Grave.

    On her departing span

    No wilderness remain

    As dauntless in the House of Death

    As if it were her own —