• * * *

    There was on Old Man of the Isles,
    Whose face was pervaded with smiles;

  • There's been a Death, in the Opposite House,

    As lately as Today —

    I know it, by the numb look

    Such Houses have — alway —

    The Neighbors rustle in and out —

    The Doctor — drives away —

    A Window opens like a Pod —

    Abrupt — mechanically —

    Somebody flings a Mattress out —...

  • There's something quieter than sleep

    Within this inner room!

    It wears a sprig upon its breast —

    And will not tell its name.

    Some touch it, and some kiss it —

    Some chafe its idle hand —

    It has a simple gravity

    I do not understand!

    I would not weep if I were they —...

  • There's the Battle of Burgoyne —

    Over, every Day,

    By the Time that Man and Beast

    Put their work away

    "Sunset" sounds majestic —

    But that solemn War

    Could you comprehend it

    You would chastened stare —

  • These are the days that Reindeer love

    And pranks the Northern star —

    This is the Sun's objective,

    And Finland of the Year.

  • These are the days when Birds come back —

    A very few — a Bird or two —

    To take a backward look.

    These are the days when skies resume

    The old — old sophistries of June —

    A blue and gold mistake.

    Oh fraud that cannot cheat the Bee —

    Almost thy plausibility

    Induces my...

    * * *

    These are the Idiots chiefest artst

    To blend & not define the Parts

    The Swallow sings in Courts of Kings

    That Fools have their high finishings
    5And this the Princes golden rule


  • These are the Nights that Beetles love —

    From Eminence remote

    Drives ponderous perpendicular

    His figure intimate

    The terror of the Children

    The merriment of men

    Depositing his Thunder

    He hoists abroad again —

    A Bomb upon the Ceiling

    Is an improving thing —


  • These are the Signs to Nature's Inns —

    Her invitation broad

    To Whosoever famishing

    To taste her mystic Bread —

    These are the rites of Nature's House —

    The Hospitality

    That opens with an equal width

    To Beggar and to Bee

    For Sureties of her staunch Estate


  • These Fevered Days — to take them to the Forest

    Where Waters cool around the mosses crawl —

    And shade is all that devastates the stillness

    Seems it sometimes this would be all —