• The smouldering embers blush —

    Oh Hearts within the Coal

    Hast thou survived so many years?

    The smouldering embers smile —

    Soft stirs the news of Light

    The stolid seconds glow

    One requisite has Fire that lasts

    Prometheus never knew —

  • The Snow that never drifts —

    The transient, fragrant snow

    That comes a single time a Year

    Is softly driving now —

    So thorough in the Tree

    At night beneath the star

    That it was February's Foot

    Experience would swear —

    Like Winter as a Face

    We stern and...

  • The Soul has Bandaged moments —

    When too appalled to stir —

    She feels some ghastly Fright come up

    And stop to look at her —

    Salute her — with long fingers —

    Caress her freezing hair —

    Sip, Goblin, from the very lips

    The Lover — hovered — o'er —

    Unworthy, that a thought so...

  • The Soul selects her own Society —

    Then — shuts the Door —

    To her divine Majority —

    Present no more —

    Unmoved — she notes the Chariots — pausing —

    At her low Gate —

    Unmoved — an Emperor be kneeling

    Upon her Mat —

    I've known her — from an ample nation —


  • The Soul should always stand ajar

    That if the Heaven inquire

    He will not be obliged to wait

    Or shy of troubling Her

    Depart, before the Host have slid

    The Bolt unto the Door —

    To search for the accomplished Guest,

    Her Visitor, no more —

  • The Soul that hath a Guest

    Doth seldom go abroad —

    Diviner Crowd at Home —

    Obliterate the need —

    And Courtesy forbid

    A Host's departure when

    Upon Himself be visiting

    The Emperor of Men —

  • The Soul unto itself

    Is an imperial friend —

    Or the most agonizing Spy —

    An Enemy — could send —

    Secure against its own —

    No treason it can fear —

    Itself — its Sovereign — of itself

    The Soul should stand in Awe —

  • The Soul's distinct connection

    With immortality

    Is best disclosed by Danger

    Or quick Calamity —

    As Lightning on a Landscape

    Exhibits Sheets of Place —

    Not yet suspected — but for Flash —

    And Click — and Suddenness.

  • The Soul's Superior instants

    Occur to Her — alone —

    When friend — and Earth's occasion

    Have infinite withdrawn —

    Or She — Herself — ascended

    To too remote a Height

    For lower Recognition

    Than Her Omnipotent —

    This Mortal Abolition

    Is seldom — but as fair...

  • The Spider as an Artist

    Has never been employed —

    Though his surpassing Merit

    Is freely certified

    By every Broom and Bridget

    Throughout a Christian Land —

    Neglected Son of Genius

    I take thee by the Hand —