• The right to perish might be thought

    An undisputed right —

    Attempt it, and the Universe

    Upon the opposite

    Will concentrate its officers —

    You cannot even die

    But nature and mankind must pause

    To pay you scrutiny.

  • Old England, alas! what is come to thy sons!

    Such rioting over the Capital runs

       That has not been seen for a cent'ry before.

    A rabble like that at a country wake,

    when a poor harmless bull is fast tied to a stake,

    With a Scot for their leader rush rapidly on

    To make at st. Stephen's their grievances...

  • The Road to Paradise is plain,

    And holds scarce one.

    Not that it is not firm

    But we presume

    A Dimpled Road

    Is more preferred.

    The Belles of Paradise are few —

    Not me — nor you —

    But unsuspected things —

    Mines have no Wings.

  • The Road was lit with Moon and star —

    The Trees were bright and still —

    Descried I — by the distant Light

    A Traveller on a Hill —

    To magic Perpendiculars

    Ascending, though Terrene —

    Unknown his shimmering ultimate —

    But he indorsed the sheen —

  • The Robin for the Crumb

    Returns no syllable

    But long records the Lady's name

    In Silver Chronicle.

  • The Robin is a Gabriel

    In humble circumstances —

    His Dress denotes him socially,

    Of Transport's Working Classes —

    He has the punctuality

    Of the New England Farmer —

    The same oblique integrity,

    A Vista vastly warmer —

    A small but sturdy Residence

    A self denying...

  • The Robin is the One

    That interrupt the Morn

    With hurried — few — express Reports

    When March is scarcely on —

    The Robin is the One

    That overflow the Noon

    With her cherubic quantity —

    An April but begun —

    The Robin is the One

    That speechless from her Nest...

  • The Robin's my Criterion for Tune —

    Because I grow — where Robins do —

    But, were I Cuckoo born —

    I'd swear by him —

    The ode familiar — rules the Noon —

    The Buttercup's, my Whim for Bloom —

    Because, we're Orchard sprung —

    But, were I Britain born,

    I'd Daisies spurn —


  • The Rose did caper on her cheek —

    Her Bodice rose and fell —

    Her pretty speech — like drunken men —

    Did stagger pitiful —

    Her fingers fumbled at her work —

    Her needle would not go —

    What ailed so smart a little Maid —

    It puzzled me to know —

    Till opposite — I spied a...

  • DEATH cometh to the chamber of the sick:

    The ruler's daughter, like the peasant's child,

    Turns pale as marble. Hark! that hollow moan,

    Which none may soothe, and then the last faint breath

    Subsiding with a shudder.

                             Deep the wail

    That speaks an idol fallen from the shrine...